Oracle Documaker Studio v12.0

Oracle Documaker studio online course refers to an integrated way to form and maintain resources in the form sets such as sections and graphics. Oracle Documaker studio online course intention is to maintain the development process and maintain bulk electronic form libraries.
Documaker enables insurers to dynamically create, manage, publish and deliver adaptive enterprise content. With Documaker Training, learn more about the cost-effective way that this solution designs, produces and delivers a broad spectrum of documents.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Course Objective
The Oracle documaker studio training is intended for the individuals who seek to implement their knowledge, skills and expand their career as documaker developer. The dedicated mentors make sure the learners to cover all topics under Oracle documaker studio curriculum which will be useful for their career growth. Uplatz offers Oracle documaker studio training to become a skilled documaker developer job.
Course Description
Oracle Documaker studio course program will let the participants gain complete proficiency to access form creation solution.
The Oracle documaker studio online course is ideally developed for business analysts who can meet the compliance group requirements.
In the Oracle documaker studio course, Uplatz provides an in-depth training for the participants or learners to make them understand the experience of developing core skills to gear up with documaker studio to deploy resource library.
The Oracle documaker studio technology is useful in managing documaker resource library.
With the help of Oracle documaker studio online course, the learners can:
Define requirements and build workspace files
Perform system-level testing
Process actual data in production system
Uplatz provides an in-depth training to the learners to accelerate their knowledge and skill set required for documaker developer job.
Target Audience
The Oracle Documaker studio course is intended for the below mentioned target audience, still if you are a newbie and want to make a career as a documaker developer, then the Oracle documaker studio course is the best option you can choose.
End user
Oracle Documaker Studio v12.0
The Documaker studio certification exam conducted by Oracle validates that the participants possess the hands-on experience in implementing oracle documaker studio workspace concepts. Uplatz online training ensures to impart the subject knowledge and equip the participants to successfully go through the Documaker studio certification exam.
Below mentioned are other details about documaker studio certification exam:
Exam Mode: Online
Prerequisite: None; course attendance is highly recommended
Please note that no hard-copy or other online materials should be referenced during the exam.
The Oracle certified documaker studio certification course with the help of expert professionals training is recognized across the globe. Because of the increased adoption of the documaker studio in various companies the participants are able to find the job opportunity easily. The leading companies hire lead implementer to develop an understanding of creating and developing studio workspace resources. The oracle documaker developer can pursue a wide range of career paths.
The following are the job titles:
Oracle Documaker Developer
Documerge analyst
Senior Oracle Documaker expert
The documaker developer draws an average salary of $130,857 per year depending on the knowledge and hands-on experience. The documaker developer job roles are in high demand and make a rewarding career.
Interview Questions
1. Define Oracle?
Oracle refers a company. Oracle is also known as database server, which manages data in a structured way. It enables users to store and retrieve related data in a multi-user environment so that the users can concurrently access the same data.
2. Define Oracle Database?
Oracle offers software solution to create and manage the Oracle Database. The database comprises physical and logical structures in which system, user, and other information are stored. The software that deals with the database is called the Oracle Database server.
3.Define RAW datatype?
RAW data type is used to store values in binary data format. The maximum size of a RAW in a table is 32767 bytes.
4.Define BLOB datatype?
A BLOB data type is referred as binary string with a varying length which is used to store two gigabytes memory. Length should be stated in Bytes for BLOB
5. Define NULL value in Oracle?
NULL value represents unknown or missing data. It is used as a place holder and represents default entry showcasing that no actual data is present.
The WITH CHECK option clause indicates the level of check to be done in DML statements. It is useful in preventing changes to a view that would produce results not contained in the sub query.
7. What is the difference between varchar and varchar2 data types?
Varchar storage limit is up to 2000 bytes and varchar2 can store up to 4000 bytes. Varchar occupies space for NULL value, Varchar2 occupy none of the space. They are set apart by space.
8.What is the purpose of NVL function?
The NVL function is used to replace NULL values with another value.
9. How do we fetch field detail of a table?
To retrieve the field of a specified table use, Describe
10. Define ALERT?
An alert is a window which is appeared in the center of the screen and overlays a portion of the current play.
11. What is the quickest query method to fetch data from the table?
the user can use ROWID to fetch Row from the table. The purpsoe of ROW ID is the query method for fetching data from the table.
12. Define the parameter mode that can be passed to a procedure?
The parameter modes that can be passed to a procedure are IN, OUT and INOUT
13. Define hash cluster?
Hash Cluster is a technique used for saving the table to make it quick to retrieve. It is used to retrieve the rows from the table, apply the hash value on the table.