SAP Supply Network Collaboration (SNC)

SAP Supply Network Collaboration (SNC)
SAP SNC Course Content- An Overview
SAP Supply Network Collaboration is a vital component of SAP SCM (Supply Chain Management). It was previously known as SAP ICH (Inventory Collaboration Hub). Since enhancements widened the collaboration environment, this product was renamed reflecting its extended abilities for collaboration with the suppliers (extending beyond the inventory collaboration).
The supplier doesn’t require a particular Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) infrastructure for integrating the supply network that SNC makes this solution practical by companies of all the sizes. All which is required on supplier side is web browser with internet access. It serves as joint-use platform for all the business partners that are involved in inventory collaboration process. SAP SNC is a key area in mySAP SCM solution which supports the collaborative planning as well as exchange of documents with customers and suppliers. Collaborative planning can be completed in SAP Supply Network Collaboration (SNC) or in the APO. SAP SNC supports the 2collaborative business processes:
SMI (Supplier Managed Inventory)