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20 Hours
Self-paced Training (pre-recorded videos)
USD 140
ReactJS course and certification
1579 Learners

About this Course

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library that is designed to create components for a web page.


Where React Native is used for development of the application or website, React.js is used for building the User Interface (UI) of that particular app or website. React.js was first designed by Jorden Walke, a software engineer of Facebook, and it was first deployed for the Facebook News Feed around 2011. In 2013, React was open sourced at the JavaScript conference.


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React is used to build single page applications. It allows us to create reusable UI components. ReactJS presents graceful solutions to some of front-end programming’s most persistent issues. It’s fast, scalable, flexible, powerful, and has a robust developer community that’s rapidly growing. There’s never been a better time to learn React.


Some of the salient features of React.js include:


1) Component Based approach


2) Uses a Declarative Approach


3) Document Object Model (DOM) are handled gracefully


4) Reusable Code


5) It is designed for speed for implementing the application simplicity and scalability.


Uplatz offers this practical hands-on course on React.js aimed to help you become a Full Stack Web Developer. With this ReactJS training, you’ll develop a strong understanding of React’s most essential concepts: JSX, components, and storing information via props and state. You’ll be able to combine these ideas in React’s modular programming style.



Course Details & Curriculum



·         What is ReactJS?


·         Installation or Setup


·         Hello World with Stateless Functions


·         Absolute Basics of Creating Reusable Components


·         Create React App


·         Hello World


·         Hello World Component






·         Creating Components


·         Basic Components


·         Nesting Components


·         Props


·         Component states - Dynamic user-interface


·         Variations of Stateless Functional Components


·         setState pitfalls




Using ReactJS with TypeScript


·         ReactJS component written in TypeScript


·         Installation and Setup


·         Stateless React Components in TypeScript


·         Stateless and property-less Components




State in React


·         Basic State


·         Common Antipattern


·         setState()


·         State, Events And Managed Controls




Props in React


·         Introduction


·         Default props


·         PropTypes


·         Passing down props using the spread operator


·         Props.children and component composition


·         Detecting the type of Children components




React Component Lifecycle


·         Component Creation


·         Component Removal


·         Component Update


·         Lifecycle method call in different states


·         React Component Container




Forms and User Input


·         Controlled Components


·         Uncontrolled Components




React AJAX call


·         HTTP GET request


·         HTTP GET request and looping through data


·         Ajax in React without a third party library - a.k.a with Vanilla




Communication Between Components


·         Child to Parent Components


·         Not-related Components


·         Parent to Child Components




 Stateless Functional Components


·         Stateless Functional Component






·         Performance measurement with ReactJS


·         React's diffs algorithm


·         The Basics - HTML DOM vs Virtual DOM




Introduction to Server-Side Rendering


·         Rendering components




Setting Up React Environment


·         Simple React Component


·         Install all dependencies


·         Configure webpack


·         Configure babe


·         HTML file to use react component


·         Transpile and bundle your component




Using React with Flow


·         Using Flow to check prop types of stateless functional components


·         Using Flow to check prop types






·         Props in JSX


·         Children in JSX




Keys in react


·         Using the id of an element


·         Using the array index




Higher-Order Components


·         Higher-Order Component that checks for authentication


·         Simple Higher-Order Component




React with Redux


·         Using Connect


This ReactJS training course will help the participant to master the React.js library. As a part of this ReactJS training, the participants will master the fundamentals of ReactJS, web-page component application.


In ReactJS Course module, the participants understand the JavaScript library modules for creating component for web page. In the ReactJS course, the participants will learn about the library of varied JavaScript modules for developing user interface of a website.


The ReactJS Developer get trained to apply ReactJS concepts in web-based applications. The ReactJS tutorial helps the participants to fulfil the role of a ReactJS Developer. The ReactJS training course requires scratch or a basic understanding of java script language.


The ReactJS is a language that a full-stack web developer need to know well. The ReactJS training course from Uplatz can help the participants to understand the ReactJS and its core modules. The ReactJS Developer training course validates whether the participants understand  basic modules of React JavaScript. The ReactJS Developer training course helps the participants to maintain the ReactJS functionalities in varied web applications.


Uplatz online training ensures the participants to successfully go through the ReactJS training course. Uplatz provides appropriate teaching and expertise training is provided to equip the participants for implementing the learnt concepts in an enterprise.


Course Completion Certificate will be awarded by Uplatz upon the completion of the ReactJS course training.


Career Path

The ReactJS Developer draws an average salary of $120,000 per year depending on the knowledge and hands-on experience. The ReactJS Developer job roles are in high demand and make a promising career.


The ReactJS Developers have huge demand across various MNC’s. The importance of DOM and reusable code in various companies can open up good job opportunities. The leading companies hire ReactJS Developer considering their skill of developing web page components The Participants earn ReactJS training through our course completion certificate.


The ReactJS course is ideally designed for JavaScript or other programmers and those who aspire to build their career in programming.


After pursuing ReactJS course the participants can pursue a wide range of career paths.


The following are the job titles:


·       ReactJS Programmer


·       JavaScript Developer


·       Software Developer


·       IT Developer


·       Full Stack Web Developer 


·       Front-end Web Developer 


ReactJS Training course is worth for developers who wish to make their career in web development as well as to improve their programming skills.


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