SAP PO (Process Orchestration)
Take a deep-dive into SAP PO module, its configuration and implementation, and application. Understand process applications and integration scenarios.Preview SAP PO (Process Orchestration) course
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SAP PO (Process Orchestration) is a software module to automate and optimize business processes by combining features of SAP Business Process Management (BPM), SAP Process Integration(PI) and SAP Business Rules Management(BRM) into one integrated solution.
The solution provides all components & tools an organization needs to quickly automate and optimize business processes - from simple workflows to integrated processes spanning applications, geographies, and organizational boundaries. PO makes it easy to synchronize data between different systems and can save costs by fulfilling all integration needs on one platform. SAP Netweaver PO is an integrated and the operational platform that will unite the people’s business and the information process. SAP Netweaver platform is a collection of components that can be kept together and can address specific challenges.
SAP PO empowers both IT and Business professionals to model, implement, integrate, and monitor custom process applications and securely exchange information across distributed applications (internal and external) and with customers and partners. SAP PO easily integrates with other SAP modules and supports protocols like RFC, SOAP, and IDoc adapter. It facilitates simple configuration of the integration process regardless the source or target systems, and provides batch processing of large amount of data among systems. With PO, a centralized summary of interconnection of systems can be viewed within a single platform.
SAP Process Orchestration Training is a combination of diverse SAP components SAP Business Process Management, SAP PI, & SAP Business Rules Management. SAP PO is an integration broker which mediates between entities with the changing requirements in terms of connectivity & protocols. SAP PO is an enterprise integration platform that provides seamless integration between SAP and non-SAP applications within the organization A2A (Application to Application) or even outside the organization B2B (Business to Business). It allows organizations to exchange information between internal softwares within the company and external systems outside the company. SAP PO is a tool that allows you to integrate solutions. It makes it easy to synchronize data between different systems. You can also synchronize data to a warehouse system, where you want to send all the information regarding orders: which of them are being generated, how they are used, and when they should be shipped.
SAP PO software supports custom process applications and integration scenarios. As the process orchestration layer of SAP’s Business Technology Platform, it can help you improve process efficiencies and respond to changing demands. Key features & benefits of SAP PO are:
1) Model, implement, integrate, and monitor custom process applications and integration scenarios
2) By creating more streamlined, adaptable processes, you can innovate faster and respond better to changing demands
3) On-premise deployment
4) Faster modelling and deployment of business process applications
5) Lower costs related to integrating heterogeneous systems
6) Improved data quality and reduced data entry effort
Uplatz provides this in-depth training on SAP PO module covering the configuration and implementation processes in detail with practical industry scenarios. In this SAP PO course, the participants will gain knowledge in configuring business processes with Process Orchestration.
This SAP PO Training (Process Orchestration) will help you learn all the PI and BPM concepts, and also interactions that could occur between PI and BPM that could be faced with the interface services.
This course will help you to configure various process orchestrated business scenarios and use the required tools.
Course/Topic - SAP PO (Process Orchestration) - all lectures
In this first video tutorial, you will get a brief introduction on the background of SAP PO, overview of SAP Netweaver, Service Oriented Architecture, Middleware and SAP Exchange Infrastructure.
In this tutorial, you will be able to understand what a System Landscape Directory is or SLD is. You will also learn what are the different components in a PO system, Integration directory or ESR and Integration Repository.
This tutorial will demonstrate how to work with the PI74 system. Also, you will get a detailed explanation on how to create Business Systems after going through the Technical Systems, which is mainly a Client Specific system in the SAP PO module. You will also understand what is a SWCV and what are the components one needs to focus on while working on the SWCV.
In this lecture, you will get a detailed understanding on what is a mapping in SAP PI, how to create a mapping, what is a structure in SAP PI and how to create a Structure. Moreover, you will also learn how to create a Sender and Receiver Structure along with the data types in the SAP PO module.
In this lecture, you will learn how to work on the Monitoring in the Enterprise Services Repository (ESR) and what is the whole process or path of working with the Monitoring. You will also be able to understand what a Message Monitoring is and how one could use the Value Mapping while working in the SAP PO module system.
In this lecture, you will learn how to work with the IDOC or Intermediate Documents, which are commonly used for data migration between SAP or Legacy System or vice versa. You will also understand what is an Inbound and Outbound IDOC, how to create partner profiles in sender and receiver messaging and what are the configuration steps of an RFC connection.
In this tutorial, you will be learning on how to configure the proxy server along with understanding the different ways to communicate from ERP to the External Network. You will further learn how to activate the service interface in the ERP system.
In this lecture, you will get an overview on the Lock feature in the ESR, how to access and delete the Lock Object, what is a User-Defined Function (UDF), where to use UDF and what is its role in the mapping in the SAP PO module.
In this tutorial, you will be able to understand how to work on the Value Mapping in the SAP PO module, how to work on the properties of Value Mapping, how to do entries for the agency, schema and value to work on the Value Mapping and how to access any database in regard to the configuration of the JDBC Adapter and map with the SAP PI module.
In this tutorial, you will get a detailed demonstration on how to work with the Content Conversion Parameters in the SAP PO module. You will also learn how to work on the Message Monitoring and the Communication Channel in this SAP system.
In this video tutorial, you will learn how to do the mapping for the XML files in the system and how to do the content conversion from XML to CSV in the SAP PI module. You will also find some more in-depth concepts on working with the Message Monitoring and Communication Channel Monitor.
This last video tutorial is a complete revision of the entire SAP PO Course where the instructor will be seen explaining and covering each detail on the important topics which would be frequently needed for anyone working in the SAP PO module.
• Understand the difference between PI and PO
• Learn all the PO tool in detail
• Learn the testing tools like SOAPUI and PIMON
• Learn How to Build AS2 to IDOC Interface
• How to map ORDERS to EDI 850 4010 and vice versa
• Learn how to handle ANSI X12 4010 transaction - Split EDI Message, Convert EDI to XML and XML to EDI
· SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (PI) Architecture
· The System Landscape Directory
· Interface Objects in the Enterprise Service Repository (ESR)
· Maintain Mapping Objects in the ESR
· Configure Integration Directory (ID) Communication Objects
· Configure Integration Directory (ID) Objects for ABAP Processing
· Configure Integration Directory (ID) Objects for Java Processing
· Operations of SAP NetWeaver PI
· Connectivity Options for SAP NetWeaver PI
· HTTP Connectivity Options
· File Adapter Configuration
· Idoc Connectivity Options
· Configure SAP BAPI Connectivity
· ccBPM Integration Processes
· Overview of mapping techniques
· Standard functions in message mapping
· User-defined functions in message mapping
· Complex mapping tasks using message mapping
· Value mapping technologies in message mapping
· Additional techniques in message mapping
· Integrating Java, and XSLT mapping
This SAP PO training course is designed for clearing the SAP Certified Development Associate - Process Integration with SAP NetWeaver exam.
In the SAP PO course the participants learn about the practical implementation, configuration, and management of SAP PO module. SAP PO is used to automate business processes. This seems to be an essential learning for all SAP PO module users.
SAP PO Certification is an important benchmark in becoming a SAP PO Associate as the exam topic covers business process management, PI infrastructure, and PI components.
SAP PO tutorial helps the participants to learn about PI which is used as a component of SAP netweaver platform and thus attaining a unique SAP certification. SAP PO course offers complete information about the SAP process integration tool thus making the participant a skilled SAP PO Consultant.
Uplatz's SAP PO training helps the participants to successfully go through the SAP PO module. Uplatz provides appropriate teaching and expert training to equip the participants with knowledge and skills for implementing the learnt concepts in an organization.
Course Completion Certificate will be awarded by Uplatz upon the completion of the SAP PO course training.
The SAP PO certification exam verifies that the participants possess basic knowledge and can prove their skills in the area of SAP Process Integration with SAP Netweaver 7.31. This SAP PO certification exam validates that the participant has an overall understanding about this consultant profile, and able to implement the knowledge practically in projects.
Below given are the certification Details of SAP Certified Development Associate - Process Integration with SAP NetWeaver 7.31 exam:
· Certification Level: Associate
· Exam Name: SAP Certified Development Associate- Process Integration with SAP NetWeaver 7.31
· Exam Code: C_TBIT44_731
· Exam Mode: Online
· Total Number of Questions: 80
· Pass Score: 64%
· Time Duration: 180 Minutes
· Exam fee: $500
The SAP PO Consultant draws an average salary of $105,000 per year depending on the knowledge and hands-on experience. The SAP PO Consultant job roles are in high demand and make a rewarding career.
The SAP PO Consultants are recognized across the globe. The increased usage of the interface delivering concepts in many companies help the participants to find a job opportunity easily. The leading companies hire SAP PO Consultant considering the efficiency in process integration and orchestration.
The learners earn most beneficial SAP PO certification through our expert training and course curriculum. Being SAP PO certified is definitely valuable credential and adds value to every organization.
The SAP PO certification is targeted to those participants who are from SAP NetWeaver and business consulting background and excel as SAP PO consultant
The following are the job titles in SAP PO:
· SAP PO Associate
· SAP PO Consultant
· SAP PO Developer
· SAP PO Functional Consultant
· SAP Consultant
The SAP PO certification program helps the participants to get placed in reputed MNCs and organizations.
1. Briefly explain about Netweaver?
SAP Netweaver provides an open integration and application platform and permits the integration of the Enterprise Services Architecture. Net weaver covers the following topics:
1) People Integration
2) Process Integration
3) Information Integration
4) Application Platform
2. What is SAP PI?
Process Integration is an integral part of SAP Net weaver. The aim of PI is to integrate different versions of both SAP and non-SAP systems implemented on different plat forms (Java, ABAP, and so on). PI enables you to implement cross-system business processes.PI is based on an open architecture, makes use of open standards and offers services that are essential in a heterogeneous and complex system landscape: namely a runtime infrastructure for message exchange, configuration options for managing business processes and message flow, and options for transforming message contents between the sender and receiver systems.
The application-specific contents are transferred from the sender to the receiver in a freely defined XML schema (XML: extended Markup Language) using the Integration Engine. The structure of a message is therefore determined by the interface data structures used.
The central concept is that, during the design phase, all interfaces required are initially developed independently of a platform and made available in the form of a WSDL description (WSDL: Web Service Description Language). Using this description you can, for example, define mappings between interfaces without this having an effect on an existing system landscape. All design phase data is saved in the Integration Repository to be implemented later in a particular system landscape. In this second phase, the configuration phase, you can select components, interfaces, and mappings saved in the Integration Repository that are appropriate for your system landscape and business processes, and assign them to each other in logical routing. The data resulting from this configuration process is saved in the Integration Directory and you can call and evaluate it from the runtime of the PI.
PI enables you to do the following:
Develop cross-system applications. You can exchange multiple system messages using the runtime infrastructure and synchronous or asynchronous communication. You can either develop new and platform-independent interfaces, or connect to existing interfaces at runtime, using adapters. Adjust message values and structures for the receiver, using mappings. - Centrally maintain the message flow between logical systems in the system landscape, using .- Connect the logical receiver to a technical system, using Services; this system can easily be switched using this abstraction level (technical routing). Describe your system landscape as the basis for the description of your cross-system business process.
3. Explain PI - Process Integration?
Process Integration can be used as a Middleware Engine to communicate in a distributed environment. The heart of XI is Integration Engine that is used for integrating different technologies using Standard Messaging techniques e.g XML. Different mapping tools are available for mapping the distributed system which can be mapped without having any expertise of Technical Details. As a real world example, XI can be helpful in integrating different banks with SAP R/3. XI Engine also supports previous releases of SAP R/3 like 4.6C and have many more adapters to communicate with legacy systems.
SAP XI is an integration technology and platform for:
1) SAP and Non-SAP systems,
2) A2A and B2B scenarios,
3) Synchronous and Asynchronous communication
4) Cross component Business Process management and it include a built-in engine for designing and executing integration process (Business process).
5) The goal of SAP XI is to provide a single point of integration of all systems inside and outside the corporate boundary across technologies and organizational boundaries. 6. The important feature of XI is openness, flexible and transparency to the integration process. It is based on ESA and SOA. 7. The overall key concept of SAP XI is to drive an integrated business process across heterogeneous and highly dynamic landscapes in a more manageable cost effective way. 8. The basic idea is to provide runtime infrastructure which allows heterogeneous systems to be tied together with fewer connections and at the same time, in order to connect those applications and let messages flow from one application to other, have a centralized storage of integration knowledge.
4. What are the integrations in net weaver?
People integration, information integration, process integration and application platform.
5. What are the components in net weaver?
Mobile infrastructure, enterprise portals, biw and sap xi (integration broker and bpm) WEB AS.
6. What is the message flow in SAP XI?
Inbound handling, receiver determination, interface determination, channel determination, mapping, outbound handling.
7. What are routing rules?
Receiver determination rules and interface determination rules (includes mapping assign).
8. What is the quality of services, which comes under asynchronous process?
Exactly once and exactly once in order.
9. What are service users?
They have sap user roles on the ABAP part of the SAP web as that is available on the J2ee part as groups
10. What the central administration transaction to manage the alerting?
11. What are the tools used by runtime to monitor?
CCMS (Computer Center Management System), PMI (Process Monitoring Infrastructure) and alert frame work.
12. When will we go for BPM?
1. Error Handling
2. Splitting of messages
3. Combining of messages
4. Message Persistency.
13. Why integration engine?
Processing messages, mapping, routing, guaranteeing the quality of service.
14. What is Multi Cast?
You have an option of sending a message to multiple receivers and waiting for a response from the each of the receivers. This procedure of sending a message to multiple receivers and waiting for a response message is also known as 'multicast'.
15. What are the disadvantages of XSLT Mapping?
AWS: You cannot use Java APIs and Classes in it. There might be cases in your mapping when you will have to perform something like a properties file lookup or a DB lookup, such scenarios are not possible in XSLT.
16. What is a Technical System?
AWS: Technical system represents the physical system, it contains all the physical characteristics of your system for eg while creating a Technical system for your R3 system - u specify the host name, message server, OS, the clients etc.
17. Differences between proxies and adapters?
AWS: Proxies are interfaces, which will get executed in the application system. They can be created only in the system from message interfaces using the proxy generation functions. You can use proxies for systems with WAS >=6.20.
XI will communicate in native language with SAP systems via proxies. Proxies uses XML - SOAP based communication for both ABAP and Java Proxies.
Adapters will convert one format into another expected/target format. means from SAP standard formats and as well as 3rd party formats to target formats
18. What are the Types of Useful node functions?
RemoveContext, splitByValue, collapseContext, Copy value, createIf, exits, useOneAsMany
a) removeContexts - "There is absolutely no difference between my children or grand children or great grand children".
Material Group is sent in the item node of the source idoc but I want it in the header node of the target idoc. So I need to fool the mapping runtime that Material Group is coming in the header node of the source. removeContext exactly does that.
b) SplitByValue - "I need a different parent for every instance of me"
I will try to explain the function with the same mapping as readers can correlate well. Each instance of Itemno in the source structure should generate a target itemNo and item under a different instance of the header node in the target. As we can observe that occurrences of item in the source an target structure are different we cannot map the elements of the item node directly. We use splitbyValue to achieve the same.
c) collapseContexts - " There is just a slight difference between my children or grand children or great grand children". Similar to removeContext but context change is replaced with ". If we need to create empty tags in the target for every context change in the source we can use it. I did not find it useful so I don't like to explain in detail.
4. copyValue -"How many ever times I occur I am copied just once"
This is not a node function but I am explaining it as it is used very frequently in real-time.
Let us take an instance of material group, which can occur as many times as the item node. But since we are mapping it to the header in the target node I just want to copy the first occurrence of material group and map it to the header node. copyValue exactly does that.
5. createif -"I have a criteria for existing".
It is used when you want to create target node or element based on some condition.
19. What are the SAP XI Components?
· Integration Builder
· Integration Server
· System Land Scape Directory
· Runtime Work Bench.
20. What is an abstract interface?
AWS: The abstract interface is similar to other interface (outbound or inbound) but does not have direction. It can be used as either outbound or inbound. It is used only inside BPM. It is also called as hidden Interface.
21. How to do Monitoring of BPM?
22. What are the stacks available in XI?
· Java stack
· ABAP Stack
23. What is the use of Exactly Once In Order (EOIO)?
AWS: Messages are delivered with the same queue names (supplied by the application) in the same sequence that they were sent from the sender system.
24. End_to_End monitoring?
· If you want to monitor message processing steps in a number of SAP Components.
· If you want to monitor the path of individual messages through these SAP Components from start to end.
25. When would you use ABAP and Java mapping? What are advantages and disadvantages of one vs. the other? Any guidelines on this?
Java mapping runs on J2EE engine, ABAP Mapping runs on ABAP Stack.I guess ABAP mapping makes more sense if you have a requirement wherein you need to perform multiple RFC classes for RFC Lookup's etc as you can do this very easily Using your ABAP Code. Java Mapping provides an easier means to use Java API's etc and it uses SAX parser which provides better performance while ABAP Mapping uses DOM Parser (I am not very sure on this though) which can cause a performance bottleneck.
26. What are the transaction codes in XI?
Starting Builder |
Integration Engine, Monitoring |
XI Message Monitoring |
Test SLD Connection |
SLD API Customization |
Integration Engine, Administration |
XI Directory Cache |
Process Engine, Monitoring |
27. What are the functions are used in graphical mapping?
1. Conversions
2. Boolean
3. Node Functions
4. Constant
5. Date
6. Text
7. Static
8. Arithmetic
28. What is Xpath?
Its just path to an XML tag. Path is an expression language for addressing portions of an XML document, or for computing values (strings, numbers, or boolean values) based on the content of an XML document. The path is also a specification of the XML family. Using XPath you can address any node in an XML document. XSLT implements XPath expressions to select substructures of an XML document. Using templates in XSLT you can define the mapping rules for the selected substructures.
29. What are DOM and SAX?
SAX is Simple API for XML, DOM is Document Object Model. SAX parser is a memoryless parser and is recommended when the XML structure is huge. DOM parser loads the entire XML into the memory and so when the XML size is to big, DOM parser is to be avoided.
30. When we use XI Adapter?
AWS: Basically XI adapter is used in case of ABAP and JAVA proxies.
31. What is Message Mapping?
AWS: Message Mapping is used to transform your Source XML into the target XML structure.
32. What is Value Mapping?
AWS: Converting a value in the source to another in target) Value Mapping is used for specific mapping structures / mapping rules. Example, Currency Conversion Mapping Rules. Instead of creating this conversion rule in every mapping program, you can create a VALUE mapping that is stored in a value mapping table and use this is your Message Mapping and There by save up redundant mapping logic. Also, if the conversion rate changes, if you have used value mapping, you need to make a change only in once place and result will be reflected in every mapping. If value mapping was not used , then you would have had to make the change in all mapping programs.
33. What are the steps required to configure a scenario?
1) Create your communication channel: The communication channel is the means using which XI gets and passes information. XI can understand only XML and so, the communication channels ( or adapters ) do the task of passing XML messages to and from XI. If the message is not in XML format, content conversion is performed at the Adapter.
2) Create your sender and receiver agreement: Whenever XI is the recipient of some information, you create a sender agreement for the corresponding adapter, sender system and sender interface. Whenever XI is going to send some information to an external system, as the external system is the recipient of the information, create a receiver agreement for the same.for IDOC and HTTP adapters, no sender agreement is required.
3) Receiver Determination: In this stage, you tell XI, the recipient Interface of the scenario. You can also provide conditions on which the receiver is determined.
4) Interface Determination: The stage where the Inbound Interface and the Interface mapping program are defined. Conditional Interface determination is also possible.
34. What is CIM?
Common Information model, XI has developed means Ans) CIM the SLD is for central repository of information about software and system in the data center, expressed in Common information model. CIM was developed by DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force). It is an industry consortium whose goal is to enable management of IT systems in a distributed environment using web standards.
35. What are the BPM tcodes?
36. What is the use of BPM patterns?
Patterns are more like example where u can refer to the IS or u can make use of those in your scenario
Check Events |
Delete Event trace |
Display Event trace |
Switch on Event trace |
SWI1 |
Processes and work items, |
Restart workflow with errors |
To find workflow log by interface name &namespace. |
Diagnosis process with errors. |
37. What is cache and how many types of Caches are there in XI and what are their purposes?
There are two types of cache in SAP PO:
1. CPA cache: CPA cache is your Collaboration profile agreement cache, ie to mean it will contains the cache copy of all objects created during configuration time (ID).CPA (Collaboration profile agreement )Cache-mainly for J2EE engine/Adapter engine.
2. Runtime Cache: Runtime cache will contain cache copies of all the objects in XI (IR/ID) and active version of all your objects during runtime.
38. Why do we need Web Start?
Java Web Start is used to deploy standalone java applications over the network. When it comes to XI, the Integration Repository and Directory require specific Java client software, which is stored on the Integration Server and will be automatically installed on the client side using Java Web Start. This client software can be used during design time to develop new interfaces and mappings and to configure services, routings and mappings. As it allows applications to be started from the Internet using a web browser.
39. If u don't give FTP Connection details how will test the input message?
Go to component monitoring click on Test message button, there you can give the payload.
40. What is value mapping?
Value mapping: value-mapping function to map different representations of an object to each other. You save the mapping rules for different objects in a value mapping table.
41. What is context object?
The context object is alternative to XPath; this will be used to access the content of an element in message in Runtime. This will be used create in IR, and refer in Message Interface, In ID we will define where it is to be used, Based on this runtime value we can route the message processing.
42. What is cache monitoring?
Cache monitoring displays objects that are currently in the runtime cache of either of the following receives of cache data.
43. What are the Monitoring available in Runtime Work Bench?
1. Component monitoring
2. Message monitoring
3. End-to-End monitoring
4. Alert Configuration
5. Cache monitoring
6. Index administration
44. What is the use of Adapter engine AAE in PI system?
As Integration engine handles messages in XML and SOAP protocol so if the business system doesn’t contain data in a specific format, Adapters are used to convert the messages specific protocol and message format required by integration engine.
45. When will we go for BPM?
· Error Handling
· Splitting of messages
· Combining of messages
· Message Persistency