Data Visualisation in R

R is an open-sourced, well developed and simple programming language for statistical computing, data analysis, etc. R has inbuilt visualisation libraries that help to present & visualize data in a brief manner with the help of ggplot2, lattice, high charter, leaflets etc. ggplot2 makes it easier to build custom plots & help in producing multi-layered graphics. Lattice help in visualizing multi-varied data while high charters is a visualisation library in JavaScript. Data visualisation in R helps to build maps, 3D plots with the help of RGL and to understand the sequence of events.
R is an amazing platform for data analysis, capable of creating almost any type of graph. R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R is also extremely flexible and easy to use when it comes to creating visualisations. One of its capabilities of R is to produce good quality plots with minimum code.
Data visualization is an art of how to turn numbers into useful knowledge. R Programming lets you learn this art by offering a set of inbuilt functions and libraries to build visualizations and present data.
R supports four different graphics systems: base graphics, grid graphics, lattice graphics, and ggplot2. Base graphics is the default graphics system in R, the easiest of the four systems to learn to use, and provides a wide variety of useful tools, especially for exploratory graphics where we wish to learn what is in an unfamiliar dataset.
In this Data Visualization in R course by Uplatz, you will be able to learn the basics and introduction of fundamentals of how R uses an inbuilt visualization library to read multi-varied data, time-series data sets, maps etc. and makes it easier for the business to extract valuable information.
This course provides a comprehensive introduction on how to plot data with R’s default graphics system, base graphics.
After an introduction to base graphics, we look at a number of R plotting examples, from simple graphs such as scatterplots to plotting correlation matrices. The course finishes with exercises in plot customization. This includes using R plot colors effectively and creating and saving complex plots in R.
Data Visualisation in R
Module 1 - Basic Visualization Tools
- Bar Charts
- Histograms
- Pie Charts
Module 2 - Basic Visualization Tools Continued
- Scatter Plots
- Line Plots and Regression
Module 3 - Specialized Visualization Tools
- Word Clouds
- Radar Charts
- Waffle Charts
- Box Plots
Module 4 - How to create Maps
- Creating Maps in R
Module 5 - How to build interactive web pages
- Introduction to Shiny
- Creating and Customizing Shiny Apps
- Additional Shiny Features