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Diploma in Data Science

Diploma Course Price: USD 980

Duration :   300 hours

Courses included
Data Science
R Programming
Machine Learning using Python
python programming
Deep Learning with TensorFlow


Diploma in Data Science

Data Science refers to extraction of knowledge from large volumes of data that are structured or unstructured, which is continuation of data mining and predictive analytics. The program is targeted for creating qualified Data Science professionals.

The course introduces the learner to business analytics using the most in-demand analytics technologies like R and Python and teaches implementation of various data science concepts such as data exploration, visualisation, and hypothesis testing. Special focus has been placed on Machine Learning techniques used for regression, classification and clustering.Diploma in Data Science is designed for the people who wish to expand their proficiency in Data Science.

Courses included in Diploma in Data Science:

1) Data Science with Python

2) Data Science with R

3) Python Programming (basic to advanced)

4) R Programming

5) Machine Learning (basic to advanced)

6) Machine Learning with Python

7) Deep Learning Foundation

8) Deep Learning with Keras


Benefits and Objectives:

The objective of this program is to make Data Scientists and Data Analysts. There is a huge demand for resources skilled in Data Science. The MCKINSEY Global Institute has predicted that in forthcoming years by 2020, the world will face a shortage of  38-40 million highly skilled manpower with deep analytical skills that can leverage data analysis to make effective decisions for their organizations. So it is quite obvious that existing resources along with new candidates who are interested in perusing career in this field needs to be trained. Our objective is to create a pool of talent who can meet this demand. This course is meant to sensitize students for computational statistics applications and usage as well as provide hands-on experience with solving real world data science issues.

On completion of the Course, the Participants will learn the concept of Data Analytics using open source statistical tools like R, Python and some very good visualization tools and techniques. They will be able to implement industry oriented Data Analytics Project.