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Bundle Course - Financial Analysis

Learn Financial Analysis to evaluate & analyze businesses, projects, and all finance-related transactions to determine their performance & suitability
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Course Duration: 250 Hours
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Uplatz presents this Bundle course on Financial Analysis. This bundle program consists of full self-paced courses on the following:

1). Financial Accounting & Reporting

2). Cost and Management Accounting

3). Business Finance and Financial Modeling

4). Accounting Standards (AS)

5). Bank Audit


Financial Analysis refers to the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets, and other finance-related transactions to determine their performance and suitability. Typically, financial analysis is used to analyze whether an entity is stable, solvent, liquid, or profitable enough to warrant a monetary investment.

The most common types of financial analysis are vertical analysis, horizontal analysis, leverage analysis, growth rates, profitability analysis, liquidity analysis, efficiency analysis, cash flow, rates of return, valuation analysis, scenario and sensitivity analysis, and variance analysis.

Financial health is one of the best indicators of your business's potential for long-term growth. The first step toward improving financial literacy is to conduct a financial analysis of your business. A proper analysis consists of five key areas, each containing its own set of data points and ratios.

1. Revenue - Revenue is probably your business's main source of cash. The quantity, quality and timing of revenues can determine long-term success.

2. Profit - Profit is revenue minus expenses & other costs.

3. Operational Efficiency - Operational efficiency measures how well you're using the company’s resources. A lack of operational efficiency leads to smaller profits and weaker growth.

4. Capital Efficiency and Solvency - Capital efficiency and solvency are of interest to lenders and investors.

5. Liquidity - Liquidity analysis addresses your ability to generate sufficient cash to cover cash expenses. No amount of revenue growth or profits can compensate for poor liquidity.

A financial analyst's primary responsibility is to sift through data in order to find opportunities or assess consequences for corporate choices or investment recommendations. Financial analysts may work at all levels of a company, from junior to senior, and it's a specialisation that frequently leads to additional chances.


Financial analysis involves being up to date on current events in their industry, as well as prepare financial models to forecast future economic circumstances for a variety of factors. This specialisation introduces corporate finance and accounting, with an emphasis on their application to a wide range of real-world situations, including personal finance, corporate decision-making, financial intermediation, and how accounting standards and managerial incentives affect the financial reporting process.

It starts with ideas and applications like as time value of money, risk-return tradeoff, retirement savings, mortgage finance, vehicle leasing, asset valuation, and so on. Excel is used in this specialty to make the learning experience more hands-on and to help learners comprehend the ideas more clearly. The curriculum gives a strong foundation in corporate finance, including topics such as valuing claims and making financing choices, as well as parts of a basic financial model.


Course/Topic 1 - Financial Accounting & Reporting - all lectures

  • In this lecture session we learn about introduction of financial accounting. Why we need financial accounting and also talk about factors and importance of financial accounting.

    • 13:53
  • In this lecture session we learn about basic introduction to financial reporting and also talk about basic functions and importance of financial reporting in financial accounting.

    • 14:12
  • In this lecture session we learn about the golden rule of accounting and also talk about overview of golden rule of accounting in financial accounting.

    • 23:57
  • In this lecture session we learn about recording of transactions in financial accounting and also talk about how we record and manage the recorded transactions.

    • 47:14
  • In this lecture session we learn about books of original entry and also talk about all types of original entry in financial accounting.

    • 58:50
  • In this lecture session we learn about cash books, why we need cash books and also talk about the importance of cash books.

    • 1:20:29
  • In this lecture session we learn about what trial balance is, why we need trial balance and also talk about the importance of trial balance in financial accounting.

    • 39:25
  • In this lecture session we learn about bank reconciliation statements in financial accounting and also cover the importance and factors of bank reconciliation statements.

    • 1:12:41
  • In this lecture session we learn about bill of exchange and also talk about the basic function of bill of exchange.

    • 56:43
  • In this lecture session we learn about two types of bill of exchange on sending the bill for collection and also talk about receiving the advice from the bank that the bill has been collected.

    • 1:39:37
  • In this lecture session we learn depreciation and also talk about factors of depreciation.

    • 46:47
  • In this tutorial we learn about how we calculate the value of material after excluding depreciation and also talk about basic examples of depreciation in financial accounting and reporting.

    • 47:31
  • In this lecture session we learn about depreciation, we also cover basic real time examples of depreciation in financial accounting.

    • 1:21:58
  • In this lecture session we learn about rectification of errors, why we need rectification of errors and also talk about importance and factors of rectification of errors.

    • 1:16:29
  • In this lecture session we learn about provisions and reserves in financial accounting and reporting and also talk about basic functions of provision and reserve.

    • 1:07:19
  • In this lecture session we learn about divisible profit and dividend in financial accounting and also talk about the importance of divisible profit and dividend.

    • 37:47
  • In this lecture session we learn about the financial statements of companies and also talk about basic overview of financial statements of companies.

    • 1:08:43
  • In this lecture session we learn about income recognition in financial accounting and also talk about classification of assets and provisions in financial accounting.

    • 47:06
  • In this lecture session we learn about how banks have to classify their advance into two broad assets. Performance assets and no performance assets in financial accounting we also cover differences in both groups.

    • 30:06
  • In this lecture session we learn about unique features of investment of banks in financial accounting and reporting and also cover all the features in brief.

    • 21:07
  • In this lecture session we learn about insurance claims and also talk about features of insurance claims in financial accounting.

    • 56:39
  • In this lecture session we learn about internal reconstruction, features of internal reconstruction and also talk about the difference between internal reconstruction and external reconstruction in financial accounting.

    • 55:01
  • In this lecture session we learn about managerial remuneration in financial accounting and also talk about features and importance of managerial remuneration.

    • 44:43
  • In this lecture session we learn about accounting for not for profit organization in financial accounting and also talk about features of not for profit organization.

    • 1:40:22
  • In this lecture session we learn about why we need accounting for not for profit organization in financial accounting and also talk about the importance of not for profit organization.

    • 52:36
  • In this lecture session we learn about accounting for bonus issue and right issue and also cover basic difference between bonus issue and right issue in financial accounting.

    • 1:05:30
  • In this lecture session we learn about accounting for share capital and also talk about features of share capital in financial accounting.

    • 58:14
  • In this lecture session we learn about the importance of accounting of share capital and also talk about examples of share capital.

    • 1:20:33
  • In this lecture session we learn about forfeiture of share in share capital and also talk about entries of forfeiture of share in accounting of share capital.

    • 23:48
  • In this lecture session we learn about accounting ratios in financial accounting and also talk about basic accounting ratios in brief.

    • 1:19:09
  • In this lecture session we learn about accounting ratios inventory turnover ratio in financial accounting and also talk about examples of inventory turnover.

    • 1:02:07
  • In this lecture session we learn about amalgamation of companies and also talk about features of amalgamation of companies.

    • 1:51:59
  • In this lecture session we learn about realization accounting and also talk about features and importance of realization in financial accounting.

    • 48:39
  • In this lecture session we learn about Amalgamation conversion in financial accounting and also talk about sale of partnership firms in brief.

    • 47:10
  • In this lecture session we learn about banking companies in financial accounting and also talk about features of banking companies.

    • 52:19
  • In this lecture session we learn about accounting for branches including foreign branches in financial accounting.

    • 27:26
  • In this lecture session we learn about methods of accounting for branches including foreign branches and also talk about the importance of foreign branches.

    • 1:37:17
  • In this lecture session we learn about salient features of the accounting system of important branches in forieign branches.

    • 48:51
  • In this lecture session we learn about integral foreign operation in financial accounting and also talk about features of integral foreign operation.

    • 31:28
  • In this lecture session we learn about buy back of security and equity share with differential in financial accounting and also talk about security and equity share.

    • 1:00:37
  • In this lecture session we learn about cash flow statements in financial accounting and also talk about factors and features of cash flow statements.

    • 47:55
  • In this lecture session we learn about cash flow statements in brief and also talk about some examples in financial accounting and reporting.

    • 44:40
  • In this lecture session we learn about consolidated financial statements and also talk about functions of consolidation financial statements in financial accounting.

    • 54:41
  • In this lecture session we learn about factors of consolidation financial statements in financial accounting.

    • 38:21
  • In this lecture session we learn about the balance sheet, assets, liabilities of the subsidiary company.

    • 45:13
  • In this lecture session we learn about how a consolidated cash flow statement is presented in case a parent presents its own cash flow statement.

    • 32:20
  • In this lecture session we learn about corporate social responsibility and also talk about factors of responsibility in financial accounting.

    • 1:15:03
  • In this lecture session we learn about corporate social responsibility and also talk about the importance of social responsibility.

    • 24:54
  • In this lecture session we learn about departmental accounts in financial accounting and also talk about factors of departmental accounts.

    • 1:46:59
  • In this lecture session we learn about accounting for employee stock option plans in financial accounting and also talk about functions of stock option plans.

    • 1:13:39
  • In this lecture session we learn about the framework for preparation and presentation of financial statements.

    • 41:29
  • In this lecture session we learn about function and importance of framework for preparation and presentation.

    • 56:06
  • In this lecture session we learn about examples of framework for preparation and presentation of financial statements in financial accounting.

    • 1:04:04
  • In this lecture session we learn about Hire purchase and installment sale transaction in financial accounting.

    • 1:03:28
  • In this lecture session we learn about the function of Hire purchase and installment in financial accounting.

    • 1:24:27
  • In this lecture session we learn about hire purchase and installment sales transaction and also talk about importance of hire purchase.

    • 43:29
  • In this lecture session we learn about incomplete records and also talk about factors of incomplete records.

    • 1:32:04
  • In this lecture session we learn about investment accounts and also talk about factors and function of investment accounts.

    • 53:43
  • In this lecture session we learn about the issue of debentures and also talk about why we issue debentures and importance of issue of debenture in shares.

    • 39:11
  • In this lecture session we learn about the issue of debentures and also talk about basic examples of issues of debentures.

    • 1:07:45
  • In this lecture session we learn about the issue of debentures in shares and also talk about examples of issues of debentures in shares.

    • 42:41
  • In this lecture session we learn about liquidation of companies and also talk about functions of liquidation of companies.

    • 58:56
  • In this lecture session we learn about liquidation of companies and also talk about factors and importance of liquidation of companies.

    • 1:06:29
  • In this lecture session we learn about non- banking financial companies and also talk about functions and factors of non banking financial companies.

    • 49:50
  • In this lecture session we learn about basic overview of non banking financial companies in financial accounting and also talk about the importance of non banking financial companies.

    • 57:01
  • In this lecture session we learn about functions of non banking financial companies and also talk about the importance of non banking financial companies.

    • 45:54
  • In this lecture session we learn about accounting of partnership in financial accounting and also talk about factors of accounting of partnership.

    • 51:17
  • In this lecture session we learn about accounting of partnership and also talk about basic examples of accounting for partnership.

    • 1:00:37
  • In this lecture session we learn about dissolution of partnership firms in financial accounting and also talk about the importance of dissolution of partnership.

    • 1:05:15
  • In this lecture session we learn about reconstitution of a partnership from admission of a partner in financial accounting and also talk about factors and function of reconstitution of partnership firm.

    • 1:21:44
  • In this lecture session we learn about reconstitution of a partnership firm in financial accounting and reporting and also talk about admission of a partner in a business.

    • 1:21:54
  • In this lecture session we learn about reconstitution of a partnership firm retirement death in partnership.

    • 1:12:54
  • In this lecture session we learn about reconstitution of a partnership firm, retirement death of a partner and also talk about examples of death of a partner.

    • 1:16:12
  • In this lecture session we learn about preparation of financial statements of a bank in financial accounting and also talk about functions of preparation of financial statements of a bank.

    • 23:26
  • In this lecture session we learn about profit or loss pre and post incorporation and also talk about the basic difference between pre and post incorporation.

    • 50:11
  • In this lecture session we learn about redemption of debenture and also talk about functions and importance of redemption of debentures in shares.

    • 45:09
  • In this lecture session we learn about redemption of preference shares in financial shares and also talk about redemption of preference shares.

    • 1:00:12
  • In this lecture session we learn about redemption of preference shares in financial accounting and also talk about the importance of redemption of preference shares.

    • 40:11
  • In this lecture session we learn about special transaction of a bank and also talk about functions and factors of special transaction of a bank.

    • 40:30

Course/Topic 2 - Cost and Management Accounting - all lectures

  • In this lecture session we learn about cost and management accounting and also talk about features of cost and management accounting.

    • 1:01:59
  • In this lecture session we learn about why we need cost and management accounting and also talk about the importance of cost and management accounting.

    • 52:39
  • In this lecture session we learn about classification of courses in cost and management accounting.

    • 1:29:50
  • In this lecture session we learn about material costing in cost and management accounting and also talk about factors of material costing.

    • 1:12:37
  • In this lecture session we learn about features of material costing and also talk about some important terms of material costing in cost and management accounting.

    • 55:19
  • In this lecture session we learn about inventory control in cost and management accounting and also talk about analysis in accounting.

    • 59:23
  • In this lecture session we learn about the frequency of purchase, price, fluctuation and its range and also talk about terms of fluctuation in cost and management accounting.

    • 1:34:19
  • In this lecture session we learn about employee cost in cost and management accounting and also talk about factors of employee cost.

    • 1:13:02
  • In this lecture session we learn about the time rate system and also talk about factors of time rate system.

    • 35:22
  • In this lecture session we learn about holidays and leave wages in cost and management accounting and also talk about factors of leave wages.

    • 34:14
  • In this lecture session we learn about overhead absorption costing method and also talk about features of absorption in brief.

    • 37:22
  • In this lecture session we learn about factors of overhead absorption costing in cost and management accounting.

    • 1:11:05
  • In this lecture session we learn about the method of selection for charging overhead in cost and management accounting.

    • 1:01:49
  • In this lecture session we learn about the sum of those costs of general management and of secretrail accounting and management.

    • 1:34:29
  • In this lecture session we learn about activity based costing and also talk about features of activity based costing.

    • 39:23
  • In this lecture session we learn about factors of activity based costing and features of costing in cost and management accounting.

    • 27:49
  • In this lecture session we learn about the cost accounting system and also talk about the importance of cost accounting system.

    • 1:02:07
  • In this lecture session we learn about features of the cost accounting system and also talk about the importance of cost accounting system.

    • 1:05:11
  • In this lecture session we learn about cost sheets in cost and management accounting and also talk about the importance of cost sheets.

    • 40:54
  • In this lecture session we learn about presentation of cost information and also talk about format of cost sheet in cost and management accounting.

    • 27:01
  • In this lecture session we learn about job and contract costing in cost and management accounting and also talk about features of job and contract costing.

    • 1:04:49
  • In this lecture session we learn about features of job and contract costing in cost and management accounting and also talk about the importance of contracts costing.

    • 1:02:08
  • In this lecture session we learn about cost plus contract and also talk about features of job and contract costing.

    • 17:46
  • In this lecture session we learn about joint by product in cost and management accounting and also talk about factors of joint by products.

    • 55:22
  • In this lecture session we learn about net realizable value methods in cost and management accounting.

    • 22:26
  • In this lecture session we learn about unit and batch costing in cost and management accounting and also talk about features of unit batch costing.

    • 44:22
  • In this lecture session we learn about features of unit and batch costing in cost and management accounting and also talk about the importance of unit and batch costing.

    • 37:42
  • In this lecture session we learn about budget costing in cost and management accounting and also talk about features of budget costing.

    • 1:26:05
  • In this lecture session we learn about defining business or organization objects and also talk about the importance of budget costing.

    • 54:38
  • In this lecture session we learn about the various commonly used functions of budget and also features of budget costing.

    • 1:03:17
  • In this lecture session we learn about zero based budgeting and also talk about features of zero based budgeting.

    • 39:58
  • In this lecture session we learn about marginal costing and also importance of marginal costing in brief.

    • 49:14
  • In this lecture session we learn about features of marginal costing and and also talk about functions of cost and management accounting.

    • 47:09
  • In this lecture session we learn about break even and also talk about break even in unit formula in brief.

    • 35:37
  • In this lecture session we learn about identification of options and also talk about features of marginal costing.

    • 1:02:35
  • In this lecture session we learn about process and operating cost and also talk about features of process and operating cost in cost and management accounting.

    • 50:44
  • In this lecture session we learn about the valuation of work in process presents a good deal and also talk about alternative methods.

    • 32:20
  • In this lecture session we learn about service costing in cost and management accounting and also talk about features of service costing.

    • 48:34
  • In this lecture session we learn about service course examples and also talk about the importance of service costing.

    • 55:36
  • In this lecture session we learn about the government and other aided in cost management and accounting and also talk about features of service cost.

    • 1:07:51
  • In this lecture session we learn about standard cost control in cost management and accounting and also talk about important terms of standard cost.

    • 44:58
  • In this lecture session we learn that standard cost is set on the basis of management's estimation and also talk about management’s estimation in brief.

    • 1:00:20
  • In this lecture session we learn about standard costing in cost and management accounting and also talk about some functions of standard costing.

    • 58:06
  • In this lecture session we learn about cost management for specific sectors and also talk about all sectors of cost management in brief.

    • 38:34
  • In this lecture session we learn about farming and agriculture sectors in cost management and also talk about functions of farming and agriculture sectors in management.

    • 40:16
  • In this lecture session we learn about pricing decisions in cost management and accounting and also talk about features of pricing decisions.

    • 41:42
  • In this lecture session we learn about features of pricing decision in brief and also talk about importance of pricing decision.

    • 1:00:31
  • In this lecture session we learn about periods of recession in a firm in costing and cost accounting and also talk about the advantage of this practice.

    • 39:46
  • In this lecture session we learn about divisional transfer pricing in cost management and accounting.

    • 1:12:07
  • In this lecture session we learn about minimum pricing transfer in division transfer pricing and also talk about features of minimum pricing transfer.

    • 1:06:02
  • In this lecture session we learn about cost management techniques in cost and management accounting and also talk about factors of cost management techniques.

    • 1:12:47
  • In this lecture session we learn about functions of cost management techniques and also talk about best techniques of cost management in cost accounting.

    • 58:52
  • In this lecture session we learn about key features of cost management and also talk about pareto analysis as a management tool.

    • 1:06:07
  • In this lecture session we learn about decision making in cost and costing management and accounting and also talk about key features of decision making.

    • 54:11
  • In this lecture session we learn about outsourcing and insourcing decisions in the decision making process and also talk about the basic difference between outsourcing and insourcing decisions.

    • 1:19:04

Course/Topic 3 - Business Finance and Financial Modeling - all lectures

  • We will learn Business Finance in 3 parts. In this first part of Business Finance we will see what is Business Finance and what is the meaning, nature and significance of Business Finance. Furthermore, we will learn why Business Finance is required to carry out various activities.

    • 47:08
  • In this video we will cover the second part of Business Finance. We will learn about the classification of sources of finance and how we can get funds from the various sources. We will also learn about the characteristics of these sources.

    • 1:42:18
  • In this video we will learn about the third part of Business Finance. In this video we will discuss International Financing. We will learn about the various avenues of an organization to get a finance, how to obtain finance and how to raise a finance, internationally.

    • 36:30
  • In this video tutorial we will cover the first part of Financial Modelling. We will learn what is Financial Modelling and its use. Furthermore, we will also learn how to prepare financial model and the different types of Financial Models.

    • 50:49
  • In this video we will cover part 2 of the Financial Modelling. In this video we will discuss of the different types of Financial Models in detail. How to use these models as per the Business? We will also see a list of 10 common Financial Models.

    • 1:10:48
  • In this video we will see the final and last part of Financial Modelling. In this video course we will discuss all other Financial Models which are important and used by all other Financial organizations. These Financial Models are prepared by the organization on the basis of their business. Eg. IPO model , LBO model, IRR model.

    • 55:46

Course/Topic 4 - International Accounting Standards (AS) - all lectures

  • In this video we will talk about what is Accounting Standards. This video talks the importance of accounting standards and its applicability on level I, level II and level III enterprises. Lastly, we will see the list of accounting standards.

    • 31:19
  • In this session we will learn about the about what are accounting policies and specified accounting principles and methods. Further we will talk about the going concern and consistency in accounting standards. Lastly, we will see the considerations in selecting an accounting policy and disclosure in changing accounts policy.

    • 13:35
  • In this session we will learn about the objectives of accounting standards, application and scope of AS, valuation of inventories. Further we will see explanation of net realizable value, cost of purchase and categories of conversion cost.

    • 22:42
  • In this session we will learn about the introduction of cash flow and what is cash flow. Further we will see about the operating activities, direct method, investing activities and financing activities.

    • 37:08
  • In this session we will learn about the conditions and events occurring after the Balance Sheet Date, accounting treatment of contingent losses, accounting treatment of contingent gains. Further the video talks about determination on the amount of contingency, accounting treatment of events, adjusting events and non-adjusting events.

    • 25:16
  • In this session we will learn about the prior period items, extraordinary items and certain other specific items. Further in the video we will see about the disclosure requirements such as net profit or loss for the period.

    • 17:59
  • In this session we will learn about the construction contracts. Further this video talks about the types of construction contracts such as (i) Fixed Price contract and (ii) Cost-plus contract.

    • 29:31
  • This session covers the topic of Revenue recognition such as a revenue from sale of goods, rendering of services, use of business entity resources.

    • 36:24
  • In this session we will learn about the principal issues in accounting for the PPE like the recognition of assets, determination of carrying amounts, depreciation charges and impairment losses.

    • 49:01
  • In this session we will learn about the Effect of Change in Foreign Exchange Rate. This video explains about the concepts of average rate, closing rate, exchange rate, fair value, foreign currency and foreign exchange.

    • 36:02
  • In this session we will learn about the introduction to accounting for Government grants, meaning of Govt grant. Further the video talks about the method of accounting by capital approach and income/revenue approach.

    • 24:33
  • In this tutorial we will see about the accounting for investments and its applicability. The video further talks into the current investment and the long term investment, investment property, fair value and market value.

    • 25:18
  • In this session you will learn about the accounting for amalgamation and its overview. Further in this tutorial you will learn about amalgamation in the nature of merger, pooling of interest, amalgamation in the nature of purchases.

    • 38:32
  • In this session we will cover the topic of Employee Benefits and its scope. We will also see about the defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans, other long term employee benefits and termination benefits.

    • 48:59
  • In this session we will learn about the employee benefits other than defined benefit plans and termination benefits.

    • 25:41
  • In this session we will see a detailed explanation of borrowing cost concept. This video talks about the types of borrowing cost, commencement of capitalization and its suspension and cessation.

    • 29:29
  • In this session we will see the basic topics of segment reporting. This video talks about the objective of segment reporting and its scope and the definitions under segment reporting.

    • 36:53
  • In this session we will learn about identifying the primary and secondary reporting format.

    • 57:05
  • In this session we will learn about the related party disclosures and the need for the same. Further we will see its effects on financial position and operating results and recording of all possible transactions.

    • 39:47
  • In this session we will learn about the objectives of lease and its scope. Further this video talks about the definitions of concepts in lease, like finance lease, non-cancellable lease, inception of the lease.

    • 34:00
  • In this session we will learn about the disclosure in case of finance lease and operating leases.

    • 32:33
  • In this session we will learn about the about the earnings per share, its applicability and objectives. Further we will learn about the Equity share, preference share and financial instrument, potential equity share and share warrants or options.

    • 47:50
  • In this session we will learn about the consolidated financial statements and its objectives and scope. This video talks about the re-assessment of unrecognized deferred tax assets.

    • 43:58
  • In this session we will learn about the Accounting for Taxes on Income with examples of timing difference.

    • 51:29
  • In this session we will we will learn about the Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements. This video talks about the application of the equity method and contingencies and transitional provisions.

    • 45:00
  • In this session we will about the objectives and scope of discontinuing operations. This video talks about the discontinuing operation and initial disclosure event.

    • 44:02
  • In this session we will learn about the objective and scope of interim financial reporting. This video talks about the selected explanatory notes.

    • 38:53
  • In this session we will learn about the intangible assets by explaining recognition and initial measurement of an intangible asset.

    • 55:16
  • In this session we will see about the Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures. This video talks about the objectives and scope of financial reporting.

    • 36:34
  • In this session we will learn about the impairment of assets. This video talks about the applicability and objective of impairment of asset and carrying amount.

    • 37:46
  • In this session we will learn about the Provisions - Contingent Liabilities - Contingent Assets. This video talks about the possible contingents, contingent assets, measurement and risks and uncertainties.

    • 43:26

Course/Topic 5 - Bank Audit - all lectures

  • Lecture 1 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 38:59
  • Lecture 2 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 1:49:57
  • Lecture 3 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 1:39:32
  • Lecture 4 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 1:19:22
  • Lecture 5 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 1:15:49
  • Lecture 6 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 36:55
  • Lecture 7 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 1:18:06
  • Lecture 8 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 1:33:12
  • Lecture 9 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 1:19:22
  • Lecture 10 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 58:55
  • Lecture 11 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 1:00:59
  • Lecture 12 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 1:12:09
  • Lecture 13 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 50:54
  • Lecture 14 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 52:46
  • Lecture 15 - How to conduct Bank Audit and How to become Bank Auditor

    • 1:22:06
Course Objectives Back to Top

a) Work comfortably with Microsoft Excel

b) Format spreadsheets in a professional manner

c) Be much faster when performing routine tasks

d) Create professional charts in Microsoft Excel

e) Work with large amounts of data without difficulty

f) Understand Accounting and Bookkeeping principles

g) Build a company's P&L from scratch

h) Build a company's Balance sheet from scratch

i) Perform Financial statement analysis


Course Syllabus Back to Top

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of financial analysis concepts, tools, and techniques used to assess an organization's financial health. Participants will learn how to analyze financial statements, evaluate performance, and make informed financial decisions.

Week 1: Introduction to Financial Analysis

a).Overview of financial analysis and its importance

b).Key concepts: Financial statements, ratios, and metrics

c).Types of financial analysis: Horizontal, vertical, and ratio analysis

d).Introduction to financial modelling


Week 2: Understanding Financial Statements

a).Detailed examination of the three main financial statements: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement

b).How to read and interpret financial statements

c).The relationship between the financial statements

d).Hands-on exercise: Analyzing financial statements of a sample company


Week 3: Ratio Analysis

a).Overview of key financial ratios: Liquidity, profitability, efficiency, and solvency ratios

b).How to calculate and interpret financial ratios

c).Benchmarking and comparing ratios with industry standards

d).Hands-on exercise: Calculating and analyzing ratios for a case study


Week 4: Cash Flow Analysis

a).Importance of cash flow analysis in financial health assessment

b).Understanding cash flow categories: Operating, investing, financing

c).Analyzing cash flow statements for insights

d).Hands-on exercise: Cash flow analysis of a real company


Week 5: Financial Performance Evaluation

a).Key performance indicators (KPIs) for financial performance

b).Evaluating return on investment (ROI), return on equity (ROE), and return on assets (ROA)

c).Analyzing operating and net profit margins

d).Hands-on exercise: Performance evaluation using KPIs


Week 6: Forecasting and Budgeting

a).Introduction to financial forecasting methods

b).Understanding the budgeting process and its importance

c).Techniques for preparing financial forecasts and budgets

d).Hands-on exercise: Developing a budget and forecast for a business scenario


Week 7: Valuation Techniques

a).Overview of business valuation methods: Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Comparable Company Analysis, Precedent Transactions

b).Understanding the time value of money

c).Applying valuation techniques to real-world scenarios

d).Hands-on exercise: Valuing a company using DCF analysis


Week 8: Risk Analysis and Management

a).Identifying financial risks: Market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk

b).Techniques for assessing and managing financial risks

c).Understanding the impact of risk on financial decision-making

d).Hands-on exercise: Risk analysis case study


Week 9: Financial Decision-Making

a).The role of financial analysis in strategic decision-making

b).Making investment, financing, and operational decisions based on analysis

c).Real-world case studies of financial decision-making

d).Group discussion: Analyzing a case study and presenting recommendations


Week 10: Capstone Project

a).Overview of capstone project objectives

b).Participants will select a company and conduct a comprehensive financial analysis

c).Preparing a detailed report and presentation based on findings

d).Presenting the financial analysis to the class


Recommended Resources:


1)."Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide" by Steven M. Bragg

2)."Financial Statement Analysis" by K. R. Subramanyam and John J. Wild

Online Resources:

1).Coursera, edX for finance courses and case studies

2).Financial news websites for real-time analysis examples


1).Microsoft Excel for financial modeling and analysis

2).Financial databases (e.g., Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance)


1).Weekly quizzes and assignments

2).Mid-term project focusing on ratio and cash flow analysis

3).Final capstone project showcasing a comprehensive financial analysis


Certification Back to Top

The Financial Analysis Certification ensures you know planning, production and measurement techniques needed to stand out from the competition.

Financial analysis is the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets, and other finance-related transactions to determine their performance and suitability. Typically, financial analysis is used to analyze whether an entity is stable, solvent, liquid, or profitable enough to warrant a monetary investment.

A financial analysis will not only help you understand your company's financial condition, helping you determine its creditworthiness, profitability and ability to generate wealth, but will also provide you with a more in-depth look at how well it operates internally.

Uplatz online training guarantees the participants to successfully go through the financial analysis certification provided by Uplatz. Uplatz provides appropriate teaching and expertise training to equip the participants for implementing the learnt concepts in an organization.

Course Completion Certificate will be awarded by Uplatz upon successful completion of the financial analysis online course.

Top financial analyst certifications

a) Certified Private Wealth Advisor (CPWA)

b) Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

c) Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

d) Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC)

e) Chartered Investment Counselor (CIC)

f) Financial Risk Manager (FRM)

g) Personal Financial Specialist (PFS)

Careers in finance come with considerable compensation. In the US, according to data from Glassdoor, financial analyst roles command $72,000 or more, while accounting managers, financial managers, and account executives can earn in the $80,000 to $90,000 range. For business school graduates, salaries are even higher.

Essential items for a financial analysts' skills set

a) Expert-level analytical and financial modeling skills.

b) Strategic thinking.

c) Great presentation skills.

d) Ability to influence and persuade.

e) Knowledge of ERP systems and related technologies.

f) Strong understanding of Sarbanes-Oxley.

At Career Explorer, we conduct an ongoing survey with millions of people and ask them how satisfied they are with their careers. As it turns out, financial analysts rate their career happiness 2.7 out of 5 stars which puts them in the bottom 11% of careers.

Note that salaries are generally higher at large companies rather than small ones. Your salary will also differ based on the market you work in.

The following are the job titles:

a).Equity analyst.

b).Research analyst.

c).Stock analyst.







Career & Jobs Back to Top

Role of a Financial Analyst

A financial analyst sifts through information in order to spot business possibilities or offer investment suggestions. Data collection, financial modelling, and spreadsheet upkeep are common tasks for beginning analysts. Senior analysts are more likely to devote their time on formulating investment thesis, engaging with firm management teams and other investors, and marketing ideas.

Financial analysts evaluate financial data and apply what they learn to assist businesses in making choices. Their research is often used to help corporations make investment choices. To develop forecasts regarding firms, sectors, and industries, financial analysts study macroeconomic and microeconomic situations as well as corporate fundamentals. They often make recommendations, such as purchasing or selling a company's shares, depending on the company's overall performance and prognosis.


Interview Questions Back to Top

Q1. Explain ‘financial modelling’.

Ans.Financial modelling is a quantitative analysis commonly used for either asset pricing or general corporate finance. It is the process wherein a company’s expenses and earnings are taken into consideration (commonly into spreadsheets) to anticipate the impact of today’s decisions in the future. 

The financial model also turns out to be a very impactful tool for the following tasks:

a) Estimate the valuation of any business

b) Compare competition

c) Strategic planning

d) Testing different scenarios

e) Budget planning and allocation

f) Measure the impacts of any changes in economic policies 

Since financial modeling is one of the most primary key skills, you can also share your experience about using different financial models including the discounted cash flow (DCF) model, initial public offering (IPO) model, leveraged buyout (LBO) model, consolidation model, etc. 


Q2. Walk me through a ‘cash flow statement.’

Ans. This is one of the basic finance interview questions.

Being one of the essential financial statements, you’ll have to be well-prepared for this question as day in and day out you have to use cash flow statements to successfully build a three model statement. 

When a recruiter asks this question during your interview, you can start by explaining the three main categories of cash flow statements:

a) Operating activities

b) Investing activities 

c) Financing activities

After calculating the total cash from all the above-listed categories, adding an opening cash balance, and further explaining all significant adjustments, you will arrive at the total change in cash. Mention all the necessary parts that are associated with it.

However, during the interview, the interviewer will also be looking out for something more beyond the bookish knowledge about cash flow statements. S/he must be interested in how the statement of cash flow is useful to a financial analyst.

Now, this could turn into your bonus point as you can walk through the intent of using the cash flow statement, which is listed below:

a) Provides data and information about a firm’s liquidity status, 

b) Helps in outlining the firm’s ability to alter cash flows status in future

c) Highlights the changes in account balances on the balance sheet

d) Helps in depicting the company’s ability to meet expansion requirements in future

e) Gives the estimation of available free cash flow


Q3. Is it possible for a company to have a positive cash flow but still be in serious financial trouble?

Ans. To answer this Financial Analyst interview question you can say:

Yes. There are two examples –

a) A company that is selling off inventory but delaying payables will show positive cash flow for a while even though it is in trouble

b) A company has strong revenues for the period, but future forecasts show that revenues will decline

When you define such situations, it proves that you are not looking at the cash flow statements; instead, you care about where the cash is coming from or going to and mark all the points highlighting how the company is making or losing money.


Q4.What do you think is the best evaluation metric for analyzing a company’s stock?

Ans. There is no specific metric. It depends on how you put the answer and make the interviewers understand the value of the specific parameter that you mention.

The main intention of this question is to check your critical thinking abilities and logical skills. This question also gives you a chance to prove your capabilities of identifying potential pros and cons related to the available investment options.   It may also help you score better for the eClerx aptitude test for financial analysts.

Generally, technical analysts use some of the following types of charts to check the stock price, which forms the basics of picking the right one:

a) Line charts (helps in tracking daily movements)

b) Bar charts (helps in tracking periodic highs and lows of stock price)

c) Point chart (helps in determining stock momentums)


Q5.What is working capital, and which are the different types of working capital?

Ans. The working capital formula is best defined as current assets minus current liabilities. 

The primary function of working capital is to analyze the total amount of money that you have readily available to meet the demand of all the current expenses. 

Since financial analysts play a major role in being an information mediator in capital markets, getting a true understanding of working capital needs is very essential. Also, an analyst must stay on toes to forecast the actual working capital requirements, especially in the case when the company is constantly growing or expanding. 

Also, you can highlight a few prior incidents when your existing company felt the need for additional working capital, and you can even back your answer with the ways you used to boost the working capital. 

Another example of proving your abilities is to suggest the times when you and your team used the working capital data to operate current and future needs smoothly.


Q6. Explain quarterly forecasting and expense models.

Ans.The analysis of expenses and revenue which is predicted to be produced or incurred in the future is called quarterly forecasting. 

For this, referring to an income statement along with a complete financial model works well. However, making a realistic model is a challenge, and thus the role of a financial analyst comes here. As an expert, you need to model revenues with high degrees of detail and precision. 

An expense model tells what expense categories are allowed on a particular type of work order, which forms the foundation of building a budget. Also, to make this model functional, an expense projection model is created, which helps in identifying variable and fixed costs which forms a basis of accurately forecasting the company’s expected profit or loss.


Q7. What is the difference between a journal and a ledger?

Ans. This is one of the most important questions for a finance interview.The journal is a book where all the financial transactions are recorded for the first time. The ledger is one that has particular accounts taken from the original journal. So in layman’s terms, journals are the raw books that play a pivotal role in preparing the ledger. This gives us a second conclusion that if you wrongly prepare a journal, your ledger will also be faulty.

However, here the question which the recruiter will ask during the financial analyst interview is to understand your foundational knowledge as this, directly or indirectly relates to the Financial Analyst job role, which is mentioned below:

a) Reviewing journal entries (to ensure the data is correct)

b) Checking the distribution work area to manage journal entries for ledgers

c) Ensuring that all accounting standards are met

d) Verifying set of subsidiaries or management segment values

e) Managing sub-ledger source transaction

f) Recurring general ledger journal entries

g) Reviewing financial statements and other transactions


Q8. Mention one difference between a P&L statement and a balance sheet?

Ans. The balance sheet summarises the financial position of a company for a specific point in time. The P&L (profit and loss) statement shows revenues and expenses during a set period.


Q9. What is ‘cost accountancy’?

Ans. This is an important and most commonly asked financial analyst interview question. It is asked by many employers to check if the candidate has some basic understanding of cost accounting. This also appears to be one of the most common MBA Finance interview questions and answers.

Cost accountancy is the application of costing and cost accounting principles, methods, and techniques to the science, art, and practice of cost control and the ascertainment of profitability as well as the presentation of information for managerial decision-making.


Q10. What is NPV? Where is it used?

Ans. Net Present Value (NPV) is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows. NPV is used in capital budgeting to analyze the profitability of a projected investment or project.


Course Quiz Back to Top
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Q1. What are the payment options?
A1. We have multiple payment options: 1) Book your course on our webiste by clicking on Buy this course button on top right of this course page 2) Pay via Invoice using any credit or debit card 3) Pay to our UK or India bank account 4) If your HR or employer is making the payment, then we can send them an invoice to pay.

Q2. Will I get certificate?
A2. Yes, you will receive course completion certificate from Uplatz confirming that you have completed this course with Uplatz. Once you complete your learning please submit this for to request for your certificate https://training.uplatz.com/certificate-request.php

Q3. How long is the course access?
A3. All our video courses comes with lifetime access. Once you purchase a video course with Uplatz you have lifetime access to the course i.e. forever. You can access your course any time via our website and/or mobile app and learn at your own convenience.

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A4. Video courses cannot be downloaded, but you have lifetime access to any video course you purchase on our website. You will be able to play the videos on our our website and mobile app.

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A5. We do not take exam as part of the our training programs whether it is video course or live online class. These courses are professional courses and are offered to upskill and move on in the career ladder. However if there is an associated exam to the subject you are learning with us then you need to contact the relevant examination authority for booking your exam.

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Q11. What are bundle courses?
A11. Bundle courses offered by Uplatz are combo of 2 or more video courses. We have Bundle up the similar technologies together in Bundles so offer you better value in pricing and give you an enhaced learning experience. Check all Bundle courses here https://training.uplatz.com/online-it-courses.php?search=bundle

Q12. What are Career Path programs?
A12. Career Path programs are our comprehensive learning package of video course. These are combined in a way by keeping in mind the career you would like to aim after doing career path program. Career path programs ranges from 100 hours to 600 hours and covers wide variety of courses for you to become an expert on those technologies. Check all Career Path Programs here https://training.uplatz.com/online-it-courses.php?career_path_courses=done

Q13. What are Learning Path programs?
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Q14. What are Premium Career tracks?
A14. Premium Career tracks are programs consisting of video courses that lead to skills required by C-suite executives such as CEO, CTO, CFO, and so on. These programs will help you gain knowledge and acumen to become a senior management executive.

Q15. How unlimited subscription works?
A15. Uplatz offers 2 types of unlimited subscription, Monthly and Yearly. Our monthly subscription give you unlimited access to our more than 300 video courses with 6000 hours of learning content. The plan renews each month. Minimum committment is for 1 year, you can cancel anytime after 1 year of enrolment. Our yearly subscription gives you unlimited access to our more than 300 video courses with 6000 hours of learning content. The plan renews every year. Minimum committment is for 1 year, you can cancel the plan anytime after 1 year. Check our monthly and yearly subscription here https://training.uplatz.com/online-it-courses.php?search=subscription

Q16. Do you provide software access with video course?
A16. Software access can be purchased seperately at an additional cost. The cost varies from course to course but is generally in between GBP 20 to GBP 40 per month.

Q17. Does your course guarantee a job?
A17. Our course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in the subject and equip you with valuable skills. While the course is a significant step toward your career goals, its important to note that the job market can vary, and some positions might require additional certifications or experience. Remember that the job landscape is constantly evolving. We encourage you to continue learning and stay updated on industry trends even after completing the course. Many successful professionals combine formal education with ongoing self-improvement to excel in their careers. We are here to support you in your journey!

Q18. Do you provide placement services?
A18. While our course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the subject, we currently do not offer placement services as part of the course package. Our main focus is on delivering high-quality education and equipping you with essential skills in this field. However, we understand that finding job opportunities is a crucial aspect of your career journey. We recommend exploring various avenues to enhance your job search:
a) Career Counseling: Seek guidance from career counselors who can provide personalized advice and help you tailor your job search strategy.
b) Networking: Attend industry events, workshops, and conferences to build connections with professionals in your field. Networking can often lead to job referrals and valuable insights.
c) Online Professional Network: Leverage platforms like LinkedIn, a reputable online professional network, to explore job opportunities that resonate with your skills and interests.
d) Online Job Platforms: Investigate prominent online job platforms in your region and submit applications for suitable positions considering both your prior experience and the newly acquired knowledge. e.g in UK the major job platforms are Reed, Indeed, CV library, Total Jobs, Linkedin.
While we may not offer placement services, we are here to support you in other ways. If you have any questions about the industry, job search strategies, or interview preparation, please dont hesitate to reach out. Remember that taking an active role in your job search process can lead to valuable experiences and opportunities.

Q19. How do I enrol in Uplatz video courses?
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e) Start learning: After payment, your course will be added to your profile in the student dashboard under "Video Courses".

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Q21. Can I get help from a tutor if I have doubts while learning from a video course?
A21. Tutor support is not available for our video course. If you believe you require assistance from a tutor, we recommend considering our live class option. Please contact our team for the most up-to-date availability. The pricing for live classes typically begins at USD 999 and may vary.