LoadRunner Training
LoadRunner is a software testing tool offered by Micro Focus. It is used to test source applications, evaluate system behaviour and measure performance under load. Loadrunner is the most widely used Load Testing tool. Performance Test Results produced by Loadrunner are used as a benchmark against other tools.
LoadRunner, being a pioneer tool in Performance Testing, is a market leader in the Performance Testing paradigm and commands about 85% market share in Performance Testing industry.
LoadRunner is ideally a performance testing tool and is used to support varied development tools, technologies and the communication protocols. This is the only tool in the market which supports large number of protocols to conduct performance testing.
Most importantly, Load Runner is compatible with RIA, Web 2.0, Mobile, SAP, Oracle, Ms SQL server and Windows socket. There is no other tool in the market which could support various protocols within a single tool.
LoadRunner is tightly integrated with other HP Tools like Unified Functional Test (QTP) & ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) that empowers you to perform end-to-end testing process cycle. LoadRunner works on the principle of simulating Virtual Users on the subject application. These Virtual Users, also termed as VUsers, replicate clients' requests and expect a corresponding response to the application under a similar user traffic load.
This LoadRunner training by Uplatz is focused on providing detailed knowledge of LoadRunner tool along with a number of software testing scenarios. This training is intended to equip you with skills on the widely used LoadRunner software testing tool to help you apply for Performance Tester / Performance Test Analyst.
Course Objective
The LoadRunner testing professional online certification course is intended for software professionals who have testing knowledge and the trainees will be able to assign scripts, run-time settings, monitor performance for a loadRunner scenario.
Target Audience
· Software Testers
· Performance Testers / Test Analysts
· Quality Analysis Engineers
· Test Leads / Managers
· Software Developers
LoadRunner Training
LoadRunner Installation
- LoadRunner architecture
- Identify hardware and software needed for installation
- How to install LoadRunner components+
Introduction to VUSER Concept
- Definition of Vuser
- Why VUGEN is Used
- Features of VUGEN
Streamlining Recording
- Settings to be done before recording
- Modes of recording
- Choosing the right protocol
- Types of protocol LoadRunner supports
- Single and Multiple protocols
First touch to VUGEN
- Starting VUGEN
- Understanding VUGEN Environment Options
- Choosing the right protocol
- Recording Script using VUGEN
- VUSER Script sections (Init, Action and end)
- Creating New Virtual VUSER script
- Adding and removing protocols
- Choosing New Virtual user category
- Begin Recording on your application
- Ending and saving a recording session
- Running the Created Script
Introduction to Output window in VUGEN
- Replay Log
- Recording Log
- Generation Log
- Correlation Results
- Understanding the VUSER script
- Viewing and modifying VUSER scripts
- Understanding the functions generated in the code
- Getting Help on functions
- Workflow Wizard
- Walkthrough on primary LoadRunner functions
- Recap of Steps for creating Vuser Scripts
Actions in depth
- When and how to use more than one Action
- Deleting Actions
- Rename actions
- Import Action into Vuser
Introduction to VUGEN parameters
- Definition of parameter
- Why parameterization is required
- Parameters Limitations
- Creating Parameters
- Types of parameters
- Using Existing Parameters
- Using Parameter List
- Parameterization options
- File and table type parameters
- Creating data files
- Properties of file type parameters
- Properties of table type parameters
Setting Parameters properties
- Introduction to setting parameter properties
- Setting properties for internal data parameter types
- Setting properties for user defined functions
- Choosing parameter formats
Data Assignment methods
- Sequential
- Random
- Unique
Data Update Modes
- Each Occurrence
- Each Iteration
- Once
Configuring Run time settings
- About Run time settings
- Configuring run time settings
- Configuring Pacing time settings
- Configuring Think time settings
- Configuring Log
- Introduction to correlations
- Auto Correlation
- Wdiff Utility
- Manual Correlation
Introduction to Transactions
- What are transactions
- Why we need transactions
- How to insert transactions in the script
Introduction to content check
- Why we need Content checks
- How to use the inbuilt content checks
- How to build your own content checks
Introduction to controller
- Opening controller
- Why we need controller
- Significance of controller
- Features on controller
LoadRunner Testing Process
- Planning the test
- Creating Vuser Script
- Creating the scenario
- Running the scenario
- Monitoring the scenario
- Analyzing the scenario
Designing a scenario
- Creating a scenario
- Run scenario with sample Vuser load
Scenario types
- Manual Scenario
- Goal Oriented scenario
Introduction to Load generators
- What is load Generator
- Why we need load generators
Kinds of Scheduling Scenarios
- Schedule by scenario
- Schedule by group
Scheduling scenarios
- About scheduling scenarios
- Scheduling a scenario
- Delaying the start of scenarios
- Scheduling Vuser groups
- Adding Vuser to Scheduled scenarios
Creating and running a manual scenario
- Creating Vuser groups
- Configuring Vusers in Vuser group.
- Configuring Vuser run time settings
- Configuring scripts
- Setting time out intervals
- Configuring Scenario run time settings
- Setting the run time file location
- Specifying results location
Collating results
- Running scenarios and controlling Vusers
- Running entire scenario
- Controlling Vuser groups
- Controlling individual Vusers
- Manually adding Vuser to running scenario
- Manually adding Vuser to Rendezvous
Viewing Vusers during executions
- About viewing vusers during executions
- Monitoring Vuser status
- Viewing the output window
- Viewing Vuser script log
- Logging execution notes
Creating Goal Oriented scenario
- About planning goal oriented scenario
- Understanding goal oriented scenario design tab
- Defining scenario goals
- Assigning properties to scripts
- Configuring scripts
Monitoring and Analysis
Online Monitoring
- About Online Monitoring
- Setting up the Monitoring environment
- Monitor types
- Choosing Monitors and measurements in the controller
- Starting the monitors in the controller
- Opening online monitor graphs in the controller
- Setting monitor options
The Loadrunner testing professional online certification exam validates that the participants possess the basic knowledge in the area of testing and proven skills needed for the advanced tester profile.
The LoadRunner test professional testing online certification course by Uplatz's expert professionals provides wide range of job opportunities owing its testing features and methodologies. The leading companies hire LoadRunner testers to manage testing processes efficiently.
The following are the job titles for the LoadRunner testers:
· Test Engineer
· Performance Tester
· Performance Test Analyst
· Software Tester
· Lead Manager
· Test Manager
A LoadRunner Tester or a Performance Test Analyst draws an average salary of $104,999 to $140,000 per year based on seniority level.
Interview Questions
1. Name the components used in LoadRunner.
· Vuser generator - For generating Scripts
· Controller - For creating and executing scenarios
· Analyzer - To analyze results.
2. What is loadRunner Agent?
The Agent acts as an interface between host machine and controller.
3. What is the procedure for developing a Vuser Script?
There are four steps to develop a vuser script.
· Record the Vuser Script
· Playback / Enhance the recorded vuser script
· Define the various run-time settings & check
· Involve the script in a LoadRunner scenario
4. Mention the count of VUsers required for load testing?
The number of VUsers required is based on your system under test, network configurations, hardware settings, memory, operating system, software applications objective of a performance test. There is not any generic value for Vuser.
5. What is the difference in implementing the Vuser as a process and as a thread?
When Vuser is run as a process, the driver program is loaded inside memory for each Vuser. This will consume large apace of memory and will restrict the number of Vusers run on a single generator.
When Vuser is run as a thread, only one example of driver program is shared by considerable number of Vusers. You can run a multiple Vusers on a single generator using the multi-threading mode.
6. What is the importance of "Vuser-init"?
Vuser-init is used to record the pre-operations also called the initialization operations before the application is run.
7. Define extended log?
An extended log is responsible to store information such as data returned by a trace, parameter substitution and other information depending on the options selected in run-time settings.
8. Why to create parameter?
To create a parameter you will swap the hard-coded value within the script and replace it with a parameter. This enables a single Vuser to be run many times, and use different data on each run. It helps in accelerating more real-life server demand as it rescues a server from caching results.
9. How to divide the script into multiple Actions?
The script is divided into Actions based on the functionality.
Actions increase code reusability, reduce maintenance and hence cost effecient.
10. How to set the number of Vusers in LoadRunner?
You can designate the number of Vusers in the controller section while creating scenarios. There are other advanced options like ramp-up, ramp-down of Vusers are also available in the Controller section.
11. Define monitors?
Monitors are ideally used to "monitor" performance bottlenecks. They are avaialble in Controller section of Load Runner
12. Mention the types of checkpoints is available in LoadRunner?
LoadRunner provides two types of checkpoints
a) Image Checkpoints: This checkpoint verifies the presence of an image on a page during run-time
b) Text Checkpoint: This checkpoint verifies the presence of a text-string on a page during run-time
13. Mention latest version of LoadRunner
Answer: 12.51
14. What are the Components of LoadRunner?
Answer: In load runner there are 4 components:
a) Vugen
b) Controller
c) Load Generator
d) Analysis
15. What are the monitors are available in LoadRunner ?
Answer: In load runner 3 monitors are available:
a) Client Side Monitor - Hits Per Seconds, Connection, Connection per seconds, Transaction, Transaction per seconds, Average Response time.
b) Server Side Monitor
c) Network Monitor - Network Latency or Round Rubin
16. Performance Testing types in LR
In LR there are there are Several types available, it is mentioning on below.
Load Testing – Checking the load wef. Variable load e.g., Load <= expected load.
Stress Testing – Here intension is to check breaking or crash point of application e.g., Load>= expected load.
Volume Testing – Checking the application wef, size & capacity.
Chunk or data Testing – Checking the application wef, huge number of data.
17. What is Hit Per Seconds ?
Answer: Hits per seconds stands for number of hits are available to the active pages during the load testing. From that hits per seconds we can measure the how many active pages are available on the particular pages during the load testing.
18. What is Mean by Connection ?
Answer: Connection means how many connection are established during load testing.
19. What is Connection per seconds ?
Answer: It is same like connection but can be measured in terms of per seconds during load testing.
20. What is Transaction ?
Answer: Transaction means how much transaction happen in between source to destination.
21. What is Transaction per seconds ?
Answer: It is same like Transaction but can be measure in terms of per seconds during load testing.
22. What is Average Response Time ?
Answer: Average Response Time is the time taken from the client end side & the response is send back as per the request end that particular time is known as average response time. During load testing average response time is taking an pivotal role so we have to taken care of this particular thing.
23. What is Server Side Monitor ?
Answer: Server Side monitor is the monitoring where we can monitor the server related thing like Server response wef, Server side error messages & other error
24. What is Network Side Monitor ?
Answer: Network Side Monitor is the monitoring where can monitor the network related like latency & round rubin checking via internal or bad request such as, 500, 502 error..
25. Architecture of loadrunner
Answer: In load runner Architecture takes an important role without architecture we can not perform. So the Architecture are as follows… Vugen (Record the script) > Controller (Assigning the vuser wef, Simultaneous or concurrent user ) > Load Generator (Performing wef, user) > Analysis (Report).
26. What is Vugen in loadrunner ?
Answer: Vugen is load runner 1st component. It is an record replay tool where we can record & replay the particular application during the peak load. While recording the script it saved in .usr extension i.e., user script.
27. What is Controller in loadrunner ?
Answer: Load runner controller is the 2nd component where we can assign the V-user wef, Simultaneous or concurrent user.
28. What is Load Generator in loadrunner ?
Answer: Load Generator is the mediator in between controller & the host.
29. What is analysis in loadrunner ?
Answer: Analysis is the loadrunner analysis & reporting tool where we can generate different different graph based on the criteria given on controller during load testing.
30. What is the loadrunner step in Vugen ?
Answer: In load runner various steps are available such as:
- Create the Scenario as per requirement
- Create the Script
- Execute the Script
- Enhance the script
- Tweek the result
31. How many blocks are supported in Vugen ?
Answer: Vugen supports 3 blocks such as:
- Vugen Init block
- Vugen Action Block
- Vugen End block
32. What is Vugen init block ?
Answer: Vugen init block supports initial or beginning of the script where user can start of their respective task during the load testing.
33. What is Vugen Action block ?
Answer: in this block once script is ready to run then it is come into this step where it can record or add our script during the execution. Be remember Vugen supports iteration while other block don’t support iteration.
34. What is Vugen End block ?
Answer: In this block all the Script are loaded proper once the enhancing the script using parameterization & transaction the it got into this state.
35. What is load runner launching function & explanation ?
Answer: web_submit_form is the load runner launching function from where application is starting. In that function its come url, data, & other user credentials if persists.
36. What is the web_submit_data in load runner?
Answer: It is also the load runner launching function where we can capture user session related data such as https & other secure page.
37. What is Registry function available in Load runner ?
Answer: In load runner which start with reg then it is called as registry function. E.g, Web_reg_find();
38. What is Non Registry function available in load runner ?
Answer: In load runner which start with web then it is called as non registry function. E.g, Web_find();
39. What is the difference between Registry & Non Registry function ?
Answer: All the registry function should be placed on top the load runner launching the function i.e., web_submit_form(); or web_submit_data();
While Non Registry function should be placed after the step i.e. web_submit_form(); or web_submit_data();
40. What is the HTML script in load runner ?
Answer: In load runner HTML script based on resources available on the page itself. Its
41. What is the url script in load runner ?
Answer: in load runner url script is measured on the url itself
42. What is the difference between html vs url script in load runner?
Answer: html script is the script is available on the page or element itself.
Advantages of html script are:
- It is easy to understand
- Modification is also very easy
- Loading time is very fast
- Code complexity is very easy
Disadvantages of url script are:
- It is difficult to understandable
- Modification is very difficult
- Loading time is very slow
- Code complexity is very difficult
43. What is Load runner parameterization ?
Answer: parameterization is the process of replacing hard coded values into dynamic values in the parameter file which is created during the load testing.
44. What is load runner Correlation ?
Answer: Correlation is process of replacing hard coded values in the dynamic into the script during the script execution.
45. What is Transaction in LoadRunner ?
Answer: In loadrunner transaction is an event or point from where we can start & end out activity during the load testing. From that transaction we can measure the transaction response time.
46. What is the Load runner Transaction status ?
Answer: In loadrunner transaction status can be measure in the following ways.
47. What is LR_AUTO () ?
Answer:LR_AUTO(); – It Automatically detect the transaction state pass or fail.
48. What is LR_PASS ?
Answer: LR_PASS(); – When the transaction status is pass then it come into this state.
49. What is LR_FAIL() ?
Answer: LR_FAIL(); – When the transaction status is pass then it come into this state.
50. What is Concurrent user in load runner ?
Answer: Concurrent user means all user doing different different task different different groups.
e.g. facebook application once user is performing login, while another user is performing image upload, photo comments & others.
51. What is Simultaneous user in load runner ?
Answer: Simultaneous user means doing same task within the group like once user is performing login, profile search & logout then again doing same activity different group.
52. What is Schedule by Scenario in load runner ?
Answer: Schedule by Scenario means doing same task within the group like once user is performing login, profile search & logout then again doing same activity different group.
53. What is Schedule by group in loadrunner ?
Answer: Schedule by group means all user doing different different task different different groups.
e.g. facebook application once user is performing login, while another user is performing image upload, photo comments & others.
54. What is goal oriented Scenario in loadrunner ?
Answer: Tools will automatically take the Ramp up, Test duration & Ramp down. It is done on load runner controller component.
55. What is manual oriented scenario in loadrunner ?
Answer: Manual oriented scenario means where user has to give the Ramp up, Test duration time, Ramp down.
56. What is Ramp up in loadrunner ?
Answer: Gradual increasing the load during the load testing is called Ramp up
57. What is Test duration time in loadrunner ?
Answer: Test duration time means how long you are continuing with your performance test.
58. What is Ramp down in loadrunner ?
Answer: Gradual decreasing the load during the load testing is called Ramp down.
59. What is the Test duration time formula in loadrunner ?
Answer: Test duration time can be measured in Start of the testing & end of the testing
So the formula is Test duration time = (Actual Start time – Actual End Time)
60. What is the lr_eval_string(); in loadrunner ?
Answer: lr_eval_string (); extracting the value for a given specified string.
61. What is the lr_atoi(); in loadrunner ?
Answer: lr_atoi(); extracting the value from string to integer
62. What is the lr_itoa(); in loadrunner ?
Answer: lr_itoa(); extracting the value from integer to string.
63. What is sprint(); in loadrunner ?
Answer: Storing formatted data into a file.
64. What is concat(); in loadrunner ?
Answer: Concat() in between the two string from source to destination.
Commands are as follows…. Concat (Source, Destination);
65. What is Graph merging in analysis ?
Answer: Graph merging is merging technique where we can merge in between the two graph.
If y-axis from graph A is match from x-axis from B then only we can able to merged the graph The graph can be Collate graph, Auto graph, Merged graph.
66. What is 90% column in analysis ?
Answer: In 90% column is the main thing from where we can come to know the Actual Response time.
67. What is Think time in loadrunner ?
Answer: Time gap between two consecutive request is called as Thing time.
68. What is the spacing time in loadrunner ?
Answer: Time gap between two consecutive iterations.
69. What is Virtual User in controller ?
Answer: Virtual user is user who can perform the task wef, concurrent and Simultaneously & this user place an important role while test execution.
70. what are the state in Controller Vuser while performing the action ?
Answer: There are so many state are there while performing the Vuser during the load testing. Ready, Run, Init, Running, Failed, abort, gratuity.
71. What is lr_randzvous()in loadrunner ?
Answer: lr_randzvous(); is user wait time to until & unless complete the task particular user.
72. What is length() in loadrunner ?
Answer: It is used to measure the length within the specified the string.