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( 368 Students )


SAS Admin

Learn how to protect the SAS configuration within any deployment. Check status and work with SAS security, manage registry, more. Become a SAS Admin.
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Course Duration: 25 Hours
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SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) is used by business analysts, information management experts, risk managers and researches to provide more efficient methodologies for data visualization and faster business trend analysis and prediction.


SAS is one of the most implemented software in sectors such as pharmaceutical, finance, marketing, aeronautics, agriculture, etc. With the help of SAS we can generate sophisticated analytical reports , graphs, listings and many other statistical calculations. Many clinical research companies, banking & insurance organizations use SAS. Also, companies like Google, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, IBM, and the like incorporate SAS concepts in their products & services or for internal use. Infact, most of the Fortune global 500 companies implement SAS and functions for their managements and decisions.


Key features of SAS 

a) Easily access raw data files & data in from an external database. Read and write almost any data format.

b) Manage data using tools for data entry, editing retrieval, formatting & conversion 

c) Analyze data using descriptive, statistics, multivariate techniques, forecasting, modeling, linear programming 

d) Advanced analytics helps you to make changes and improvements in business practices 

e) Report formation with perfect graphs 

f) Operations research and project Management 

g) Data updating and modification 

h) Powerful data handling language 

i) Excellent data cleansing functions 

j) Interact with multiple host systems


The SAS Platform Administrator/GRID Administrator serves as liaison between the SAS Developers and enterprise infrastructure support teams to ensure appropriate delivery of technology solutions (performance tuning, data modeling, capacity and utilization, backups, disaster recovery, user support, training and documentation) in accordance with business requirements and objectives.


This SAS Administrator course by Uplatz teaches you how to administer servers, users, libraries, and SAS options using SAS Office Analytics, which includes SAS Enterprise Guide and the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office. For those who have the skills and knowledge necessary for the administration of the platform for SAS Business Analytics.

With SAS Admin course you will learn - Protect the SAS configuration of any server computers, Check status and work with servers, Monitor server activity and manage registry, Establish a formal and regularly scheduled filing process, Add users and manage their access, Connect to a data source, Configure and secure the metadata folder structure, Repository management and metadata relocation, and more.


SAS Admin training will help you to:

1) Define the architecture of the platform for SAS Business Analytics

2) Describe the Platform Administrator role

3) Identify The Platform Administrator tasks

4) Examine how to secure SAS Platform configuration

Course/Topic - SAS Admin - all lectures

  • In this lecture session we learn about SAS admin and also talk about features of SAS ADMIN.

    • 51:01
  • In this lecture session we learn about exploring the client tier in SAS admin and also talk about platform administration.

    • 1:16:37
  • In this lecture session we learn about the Data Integration (DI) Studio in SAS admin and also talk about features of integration studio.

    • 1:15:58
  • In this lecture session we learn prompt value specification in SAS admin and also talk about features of specification.

    • 1:00:38
  • In this lecture session we learn about SAS admin stored procedures and also talk about the function of stored procedures.

    • 26:29
  • In this lecture session we learn about overview of SMC and also talk about function of SMC in SAS admin.

    • 32:42
  • In this lecture session we learn about server console script and also talk about window service (Jboss only).

    • 1:30:01
  • In this lecture session we learn about metadata server configuration files and also talk about features of metadata server configuration files.

    • 1:01:12
  • In this lecture session we learn about monitoring SAS servers and spawners and also talk about features of SAS server and spawners.

    • 52:41
  • In this lecture session we learn application & service logs in SAS and also talk about diagnostic levels in brief.

    • 38:52
  • In this lecture session we learn about troubleshooting SAS server and also talk about features of objectives.

    • 48:35
  • In this lecture session we learn about SAS management console in SAS admin and also talk about features solutions to exercise.

    • 38:03
  • In this lecture session we learn about scheduling backups and also talk about features of scheduling backups.

    • 54:39
  • In this lecture session we learn about connection profiles in SAS admin and also talk about features of connection profile.

    • 1:14:56
  • In this lecture session we learn about defining regular users and groups and also talk about features of SAS admin.

    • 1:08:52
  • In this lecture session we learn about registering libraries and tables in the SAS metadata.

    • 1:13:23
  • In this lecture session we learn about introduction to metadata security in SAS admin and also talk about features of metadata security.

    • 1:10:13
  • In this lecture session we learn about SAS environment configurations and also talk about features of updating the SAS environment.

    • 37:36
  • In this lecture session we learn about create operating systems users and groups and designate ports.

    • 46:01
Course Objectives Back to Top

Learn how to administer and back up SAS metadata

Learn how to administer SAS Metadata Server

Learn how to administer SAS servers

Learn how to monitor, log, and troubleshoot SAS servers

Learn how to utilize SAS Environment Manager.

Define the architecture of the platform for SAS Business Analytics

Describe the Platform Administrator role.

Identify The Platform Administrator tasks.

Examine how to secure an SAS Platform configuration

Install SAS University Edition 

Express SAS as a language

Describe the rules for the definition of SAS names

Define the different datatypes, datasets in SAS

Explain the significance of Data/Procedural step

Run a simple SAS program

Exercise better control over Data Step Programming using PDV


Course Syllabus Back to Top

1. Securing The SAS Configuration

  • Secure a SAS platform configuration

2. Checking The Status And Operation Of SAS Servers

  • Manage metadata repositories

  • Identify the properties and functionality of SAS servers

  • Configure a SAS Metadata server cluster

3. Monitoring, Logging, And Troubleshooting SAS Servers

  • Monitor SAS servers

  • Administer SAS server logging and modify logging configurations

  • Troubleshoot basic SAS server issues

4. Backing Up The SAS Environment

  • Back up the SAS environment

  • Restore the SAS environment

5. Administering Users

  • Manage connection profiles

  • Manage roles

  • Register users and groups in the metadata

  • Give users access to processing servers and data servers

  • Determine when to store passwords in the metadata

6. Administering Data Access

  • Register libraries and tables in the metadata

  • Update table metadata

  • Pre-assign a library

  • Troubleshoot data access problems

  • Use the metadata LIBNAME engine

7. Managing Metadata

  • Identify how the metadata authorization layer interacts with other security layers

  • Identify where, how, and to whom metadata permissions are assigned

  • Determine the outcome of metadata authorization decisions

  • Use metadata permissions to secure metadata

  • Create and use Access Control Templates

  • Promote metadata and associated content


Key Topics covered in this course include:


Reviewing the Platform for SAS Business Analytics

  • Exploring the platform for SAS

  • Business Analytics overview

  • Exploring the client tier, middle tier, server tier, and data tier

Administering the SAS Environment

  • Overview of administration tasks

Determining the State of the SAS Environment

  • Checking the state of SAS servers

  • Exploring the metadata server and repositories

  • Troubleshooting the metadata server

Monitoring, Logging, and Troubleshooting SAS Servers

  • Identifying different types of SAS servers

  • Monitoring SAS servers and spawners

  • Logging SAS servers and spawners

  • Troubleshooting SAS servers

Backing Up the SAS Environment

  • Backing up metadata with the Backup Wizard

  • Exploring OMABAKUP

  • Scheduling backups

  • Backing up physical files

Administering Client Applications

  • Exploring connection profiles

  • Using roles to control access to application

  • Functionality

  • Exploring SAS folders

Administering Users

  • Defining regular users and groups

  • Defining administrative users

  • Giving users access to servers

Administering Data Access

  • Registering libraries

  • Tables in the metadata

  • Updating table metadata

  • Pre-assigning libraries

  • Troubleshooting data access

Securing Metadata

  • Introduction to metadata security

  • Exploring metadata permission

  • Exploring predefined ACTs

  • Securing content in the folder tree

  • Securing content outside the folder tree

  • Creating additional ACTs

Moving Metadata

  • Replicating an entire repository

  • Promoting selected content

Updating the SAS Environment

  • Applying hot fixes to the SAS environment

Certification Back to Top

The SAS Admin Certification ensures you know planning, production and measurement techniques needed to stand out from the competition. 

A SAS administrator uses proprietary software developed by the SAS Institute to create solutions for businesses and organizations. SAS administrators often work as part of a team of professionals, contributing their knowledge of server and desktop administration.

SAS admin is responsible for installation, configuration, and maintenance of various SAS products. Additional tasks may include some user support and troubleshooting of SAS and the underlying operating systems. Experience in security. Subject matter expert for all SAS related technical issues and best practices.

SAS (previously "Statistical Analysis System") is a statistical software suite developed by SAS Institute for data management, advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, business intelligence, criminal investigation, and predictive analytics.

Uplatz online training guarantees the participants to successfully go through the  SAS Admin Certification provided by Uplatz. Uplatz provides appropriate teaching and expertise training to equip the participants for implementing the learnt concepts in an organization.

Course Completion Certificate will be awarded by Uplatz upon successful completion of the SAS Admin online course.

Career & Jobs Back to Top

The SAS Admin draws an average salary of $115,000 per year depending on their knowledge and hands-on experience.

As An SAS administrator, you typically need SAS certification as well as a bachelor's degree in information technology, computer science, or a related field. Some employers may consider candidates with significant experience instead of postsecondary education.

If you love challenges and having a different to-do list every day, being an admin could be perfect for you! There's plenty of flexibility and opportunity to advance your career, and you're guaranteed to learn a lot in every environment.

Note that salaries are generally higher at large companies rather than small ones. Your salary will also differ based on the market you work in.

SAS SRE - SAS Admin / Unix / SAS Viya Admin.

Sr. Consultant - SAS Admin.

Sr Admin Cloud Infrastructure - SAS Admin.

Interview Questions Back to Top

1. What is SAS and what are the functions?

The full form of SAS is the Statistical Analysis System, which is described as an integrated set of software products and services that are used to retrieve the information by managing the data. It is also used to write the graphics as well as the reports with great forecasting support. The SAS analysis is proved for its app development, data warehousing, data mining, and operation research.

2. What is the basic structure SAS administrator?

The below-described format is stated as the basic structure of SAS:

PROC step in SAA is used to interpret all the saved data whereas the DATA step will manipulate and recovers the data.

3. How is the SAS basic syntax style described?

  • In order to run the whole program successfully, it is very necessary to follow the basic syntax style of SAS.
  • It is a must and should to use the semicolon when ending the line.
  • The particular data statement in SAS will elaborate on the specific data set.
  • Have to be one space b/w each and every statement or word
  • It must have an input statement as well as a run statement to run the program without any problem.

4. What is Data Step?

The Data Step in the SAS is used to create a new data set, which is able to store the long data with the help of Data Dictionary. It is mainly used to include all the information about all the properties and the variable too.

5. What is Program Data Vector?

Basically, the logical area that contains in the memory is stated as PDV, whereas the SAS can create the new database within the observation in just a particular time. It can also hold the compilation time that holds the record from the external file.

6. How many data types are in SAS?

SAS contains two types of data types. They are:

  1. Character Data Types
  2. Numeric Data Types

7. How to debug and test the SAS program?

In order to debug and test our own SAS program, we need to use the Obs=0 along with the system options to trace the executed program.

8. Explain the main difference between the NODUP and NODUPKEY options?

The NODUP in the SAS is used to compare the entire variables that contain in our dataset, whereas the NODUPKEY is used to differentiate the BY variables.

9. What are the validation tools that are used in SAS?

The following are some of the validation tools that we are mainly used to run the programs in SAS.

  1. Dataset: Dataset name/ debug data set: name/vsgdvchsj
  2. For Macros: Options: mprint mlogic symbolgen

10. What is the use of PROC Contents and PROC print in SAS?

The PROC Contents in SAS are used to display all the information that contains the data set, whereas the PROC print is used to enable to read the data.

11. What are informats in SAS?

Generally, the informants in SAS are used to input the data from the external files and to read, as the format can clearly explain to the users how to read the entire data into SAS variables.

12. What are the categories that SAS informats are used to the place the data?

The following 3 categories where the SAS informats can be placed:

  • Date/Time Informats: INFORMAT Q.
  • Character Informats: $INFORMATq
  • Numeric Informats: INFORMAT q.m

13. What is the function of CATX syntax?

The CATX syntax in the SAS is used to concatenate the strings, fill the blanks, remove trailing, and insert the separators.

14. Explain the PROC in SAS?

PROC in SAS is mainly used to process and analyze data in the form of a SAS data set. Generally, it can also control the library routines which perform all the tasks in the SAS data set that summarize, sort, and listing the data.

15. Explain what is data set in SAS?

The dataset in SAS is considered as a file that consists of two parts: one is the data portion and the second one is the descriptor portion.

Course Quiz Back to Top
Start Quiz
Q1. What are the payment options?
A1. We have multiple payment options: 1) Book your course on our webiste by clicking on Buy this course button on top right of this course page 2) Pay via Invoice using any credit or debit card 3) Pay to our UK or India bank account 4) If your HR or employer is making the payment, then we can send them an invoice to pay.

Q2. Will I get certificate?
A2. Yes, you will receive course completion certificate from Uplatz confirming that you have completed this course with Uplatz. Once you complete your learning please submit this for to request for your certificate https://training.uplatz.com/certificate-request.php

Q3. How long is the course access?
A3. All our video courses comes with lifetime access. Once you purchase a video course with Uplatz you have lifetime access to the course i.e. forever. You can access your course any time via our website and/or mobile app and learn at your own convenience.

Q4. Are the videos downloadable?
A4. Video courses cannot be downloaded, but you have lifetime access to any video course you purchase on our website. You will be able to play the videos on our our website and mobile app.

Q5. Do you take exam? Do I need to pass exam? How to book exam?
A5. We do not take exam as part of the our training programs whether it is video course or live online class. These courses are professional courses and are offered to upskill and move on in the career ladder. However if there is an associated exam to the subject you are learning with us then you need to contact the relevant examination authority for booking your exam.

Q6. Can I get study material with the course?
A6. The study material might or might not be available for this course. Please note that though we strive to provide you the best materials but we cannot guarantee the exact study material that is mentioned anywhere within the lecture videos. Please submit study material request using the form https://training.uplatz.com/study-material-request.php

Q7. What is your refund policy?
A7. Please refer to our Refund policy mentioned on our website, here is the link to Uplatz refund policy https://training.uplatz.com/refund-and-cancellation-policy.php

Q8. Do you provide any discounts?
A8. We run promotions and discounts from time to time, we suggest you to register on our website so you can receive our emails related to promotions and offers.

Q9. What are overview courses?
A9. Overview courses are 1-2 hours short to help you decide if you want to go for the full course on that particular subject. Uplatz overview courses are either free or minimally charged such as GBP 1 / USD 2 / EUR 2 / INR 100

Q10. What are individual courses?
A10. Individual courses are simply our video courses available on Uplatz website and app across more than 300 technologies. Each course varies in duration from 5 hours uptop 150 hours. Check all our courses here https://training.uplatz.com/online-it-courses.php?search=individual

Q11. What are bundle courses?
A11. Bundle courses offered by Uplatz are combo of 2 or more video courses. We have Bundle up the similar technologies together in Bundles so offer you better value in pricing and give you an enhaced learning experience. Check all Bundle courses here https://training.uplatz.com/online-it-courses.php?search=bundle

Q12. What are Career Path programs?
A12. Career Path programs are our comprehensive learning package of video course. These are combined in a way by keeping in mind the career you would like to aim after doing career path program. Career path programs ranges from 100 hours to 600 hours and covers wide variety of courses for you to become an expert on those technologies. Check all Career Path Programs here https://training.uplatz.com/online-it-courses.php?career_path_courses=done

Q13. What are Learning Path programs?
A13. Learning Path programs are dedicated courses designed by SAP professionals to start and enhance their career in an SAP domain. It covers from basic to advance level of all courses across each business function. These programs are available across SAP finance, SAP Logistics, SAP HR, SAP succcessfactors, SAP Technical, SAP Sales, SAP S/4HANA and many more Check all Learning path here https://training.uplatz.com/online-it-courses.php?learning_path_courses=done

Q14. What are Premium Career tracks?
A14. Premium Career tracks are programs consisting of video courses that lead to skills required by C-suite executives such as CEO, CTO, CFO, and so on. These programs will help you gain knowledge and acumen to become a senior management executive.

Q15. How unlimited subscription works?
A15. Uplatz offers 2 types of unlimited subscription, Monthly and Yearly. Our monthly subscription give you unlimited access to our more than 300 video courses with 6000 hours of learning content. The plan renews each month. Minimum committment is for 1 year, you can cancel anytime after 1 year of enrolment. Our yearly subscription gives you unlimited access to our more than 300 video courses with 6000 hours of learning content. The plan renews every year. Minimum committment is for 1 year, you can cancel the plan anytime after 1 year. Check our monthly and yearly subscription here https://training.uplatz.com/online-it-courses.php?search=subscription

Q16. Do you provide software access with video course?
A16. Software access can be purchased seperately at an additional cost. The cost varies from course to course but is generally in between GBP 20 to GBP 40 per month.

Q17. Does your course guarantee a job?
A17. Our course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in the subject and equip you with valuable skills. While the course is a significant step toward your career goals, its important to note that the job market can vary, and some positions might require additional certifications or experience. Remember that the job landscape is constantly evolving. We encourage you to continue learning and stay updated on industry trends even after completing the course. Many successful professionals combine formal education with ongoing self-improvement to excel in their careers. We are here to support you in your journey!

Q18. Do you provide placement services?
A18. While our course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the subject, we currently do not offer placement services as part of the course package. Our main focus is on delivering high-quality education and equipping you with essential skills in this field. However, we understand that finding job opportunities is a crucial aspect of your career journey. We recommend exploring various avenues to enhance your job search:
a) Career Counseling: Seek guidance from career counselors who can provide personalized advice and help you tailor your job search strategy.
b) Networking: Attend industry events, workshops, and conferences to build connections with professionals in your field. Networking can often lead to job referrals and valuable insights.
c) Online Professional Network: Leverage platforms like LinkedIn, a reputable online professional network, to explore job opportunities that resonate with your skills and interests.
d) Online Job Platforms: Investigate prominent online job platforms in your region and submit applications for suitable positions considering both your prior experience and the newly acquired knowledge. e.g in UK the major job platforms are Reed, Indeed, CV library, Total Jobs, Linkedin.
While we may not offer placement services, we are here to support you in other ways. If you have any questions about the industry, job search strategies, or interview preparation, please dont hesitate to reach out. Remember that taking an active role in your job search process can lead to valuable experiences and opportunities.

Q19. How do I enrol in Uplatz video courses?
A19. To enroll, click on "Buy This Course," You will see this option at the top of the page.
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c) PayPal for payments via PayPal account.
d) Choose PayUmoney if you are based in India.
e) Start learning: After payment, your course will be added to your profile in the student dashboard under "Video Courses".

Q20. How do I access my course after payment?
A20. Once you have made the payment on our website, you can access your course by clicking on the "My Courses" option in the main menu or by navigating to your profile, then the student dashboard, and finally selecting "Video Courses".

Q21. Can I get help from a tutor if I have doubts while learning from a video course?
A21. Tutor support is not available for our video course. If you believe you require assistance from a tutor, we recommend considering our live class option. Please contact our team for the most up-to-date availability. The pricing for live classes typically begins at USD 999 and may vary.