Sap MM

Sap MM
Importance of ERP In business process and importance of sap among existing ERP
a. Concept of ERP
b. Pros and cons of ERP concept in Todays business process
c. Uniqueness of SAP among all ERP softwares
d. Advantages of SAP, its future advancements
SAP landscape and ASAP methodology
a. Landscape of Sap servers and its explanation
b. ASAP Methodology
business blue print
As-Is stage
PDD documentation
Gap analysis
Configuration phase
End user training
Enterprise structure and configuration in sap
a. configuration of Company code
b. Configuration of plant, storage location, creation of purchase organisation,
opening and closing periods of financial year of company code, assigning of plant -pur org to companty code etc .
Material master data creation and configuration in SAP .
Material creation,All basic views explanation
Configuration : Configuration of fileds,material type, industry type, material gropus, number ranges (external and internal ), linking valuation classes with material type
Vendor creation and configuration
Vendor creation in sap configuration : Vendor account groups, number ranges, linking account groups with number ranges
purchse source list and purchase info record .
Creation of purchase source list in sap
creation of purchase info record and its importance
P2P process in sap MM
purchase requisition,
request for quotation,
maintaining of quotation,
comparison of quotation,
purchase order,
goods reciept,
invoice posting
Special procurement : Subcontracting process
subcontracting : Configuration of prequisites required for this process
automatic account determination
explanation of valaution groups and posting keys and business concept
consignment process consignment process
Configuration of prequisites required for this process,
automatic account determination
explanation of valaution groups and posting keys and business concept
Third party purchase
Third party transfer
Configuration of prequisites required for this process
automatic account determination
explanation of valaution groups and posting keys and business concept
Stock transort order -Intra plant transfer
Stock Transport orders :Intra plant and Inter plant -
Business scenario explanation and configuration of all prequisites
In sap for this process ,Automatic account determination
inter plant transfer, pipe line contracting
Pipe line contracting :
Configuration of prequisites required for this process,
automatic account determination, explanation of valaution groups and posting keys and business concept
Contract agreement, scheduling agreement
Contract agreement : Need for contract agreement -Qunatity and value based ;configuration
Schedule agreement : Need for scheduling agreement ;configuration
physical inventory process Need for physical inventory in business process ;configuration in sap ;
Release strategy in sap MM Release strategy :
class ,characteristic ,Release codes ,release groups ,work flow configuration ,simulation ,
application of release strategy for purchase order ;explanation of business scenario
Pricing procedure in sap MM Pricing procedure in sap MM
Quota arrangement in sap MM Quota arrangement in sap MM
Output determination in documents
output determination for purchase order document ,request for quotation document
Document types Doc types for purchase requistion ,request for quotation ,purchase order and its importance
stock transport orders and transfer postings ,
Batchmanagement ,reservations configuration needed for batch management ;
importance of batch management ,and identification in sap
Goods posting ,movement types ;goods issue in variou scenarios ,intial stock upload
invoice verification Invoice verification :
Credit memo ,subsequent debit ,subsequent credit ,parking and blocking and releasing of invoice ;
holding of invoive etc
split valuations
split valuations for material ,
automatic account determination for split valuation material -explanation
Return process in P2P for all special procurements .
Normal p2p process ,subcontracting ,consignment process ,Third party transfer .
Mrp views in material master and its types
Mrp types in material master and its influence in Production orders :
manual reorder point planning ,consumption based planning ,
time phased planning ,automatic reorder planning ,concept of safety stock ,reorder point etc
Time phase planning and configuration
creation of cost center ,controlling area ,cost element
Cost center creation ,G/L account creation ,cost element creation ,
controlling area ,detailed explanation fo MM-FI related Tcodes and its importance .
creation of customized T codes in sap
Grenerating reports using SAP QWERY
Sap qwery ,customized t code creation ;knowledge of table entry etc
Data upload using LSMW Data upload using LSMW-material master and vendor master data into sap
Common error -trouble shooting in sap MM
Explanation of real time busiess scenarios and allotment of preproject assignment ,configuration and process .
1.Landscape of Sap servers and its explanation
ASAP Methodology
business blue print ,As-Is stage ,PDD documentation ,
BPML ,KDS ,Gap analysis ,Configuration phase ,End user training ,GO-Live