Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
![Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript course and certification](img/post/sell/5e511c38cea975e511c38cead1.jpg)
Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Course Overview
The Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript course comprises sessions dealing with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. It builds on the skills and knowledge gained by attendance on the Web Development 1 course by covering that which is new in HTML version 5 and CSS version 3, and advanced JavaScript topics.
Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.
Who will the Course Benefit?
The Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript course is designed for developers familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but whom are unfamiliar with the features introduced with HTML5 and CSS3, and are similarly unfamiliar with advanced JavaScript topics and modern approaches such as functional and reactive programming.
The course will also benefit those JavaScript developers who are familiar with JavaScript as it relates to ECMAScript version 5, and want to learn about what’s new in ECMAScript version 6 (ES2015).
Course Objectives
This course aims to provide the delegate with the knowledge to be able to integrate into a website HTML5 and CSS3 features such as audio and video, media queries, drag and drop, and web sockets. It also aims to enable the delegate to be able to interpret, write, and troubleshoot complex JavaScript code exploiting strict mode, closures, IIFEs, ES6, functional programming, asynchronous JavaScript, and reactive programming.
Course Description
Web Development 2 with HTML, CSS and Javascript online course refers to supportive course for building web pages. Web Development 2 with HTML, CSS and Javascript online course intention is to demonstrate the benefits of using scripting languages.
Web Development 2 with HTML, CSS and Javascript online course will allow the participants to implement the improved web page solution in a business.
Web Development 2 with HTML, CSS and Javascript online course is ideally developed for web developer professionals who wants to gain more knowledge on web development and scripting languages.
In the Web Development 2 with HTML, CSS and Javascript online training course, Uplatz provides an in-depth online training for the participants or learners to implement core languages of web development. Uplatz provides appropriate teaching and expertise training to equip the participants for implementing the learnt concepts in an enterprise.
Web Development 2 with HTML, CSS and Javascript online training course curriculum covers HTML5 & CSS3, CSS structure, javascript structure and debugging.
With the help of Web Development 2 with HTML, CSS and Javascript online course, the learners can:
Build simple and dynamic web pages
Mark up document content
Add links and images
Style HTML elements
Retrieve data from server
Uplatz provides an in-depth training to the learners to accelerate their knowledge and skill set required for a Web Developer.
This is a Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript course by Uplatz.
Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Training Course
Course Introduction
- Administration and Course Materials
- Course Structure and Agenda
- Delegate and Trainer Introductions
- What is HTML5
- What is CSS3
- Browser Support
- Form Fields
- PForm Validation
- Semantic Elements
- iFrame
- Audio and Video
- Canvas and SVG
Session 3: CSS3 STYLES
- Generic Styles
- Transforms
- Transitions
- Animations
- Responsive Web Design (Review)
- Responsive Grid Layout
- Media Queries
- Images and Videos
- Responsive Web Design Frameworks
Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Training Course
- Information Sources
- The navigator Object
- Request Parameters
- Position Data
- Error Handling
Session 6: DRAG & DROP
- Source and Target Elements
- Draggable Attributes
- Drag Events
- The dataTransfer object
- Local/Session Storage vs. Cookies
- The localStorage and sessionStorage Objects
- Local/sessionStorage methods
- The applicationCache object and events
Session 8: WEBSOCKET
- WebSocket vs. HTTP
- WebSocket (ws://) Protocol
- The WebSocket constructor function
- WebSocket Object Methods
- WebSocket Events
- Server Sent Events
- The EventSource constructor function
- EventSource Events
- Same Origin Policy (SOP)
- Cross Domain Messaging
- Message Posting
- Message Receiving
Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Training Course
Session 11: VALUES & REFS
- Primitive and Reference Types
- Equality Tests
- Deletion and Dereferencing
- Undefined, null, and NaN
Session 12: STRICT MODE
- What is Strict Mode
- Invocation
- Mistakes to Errors
- Variable Simplification
- Eval
- Security
Session 13: ARRAYS
- Associative Arrays
- for vs. for in
- delete and length
Session 14: SCOPE
- Hoisting (Review)
- Lexical Scope
- The Scope Chain
- Closures
Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Training Course
Session 15: ES6 (ES2015)
- Multi-line Strings
- Template Literals
- Destructuring
- Spread and Rest Operators
- let and const
- Default Parameters
- Arrow Functions
- Iterators and Generators
- Decorators (ES7)
- Maps and Sets
- Classes and Modules
- Exports and Imports
- Higher Order Functions
- Pure Functions
- Immutability
- Currying
- Array Methods
- Arrow Functions (again)
- Method Chaining
- Function Composition and Pipelines
Web Development 2 with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Training Course
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous
- setTimout
- Callbacks
- Common Problems
- Async.js
- Promises (ES6)
- About RxJS
- Streams
- Observables
- Observers and Subscriptions
- Sequencing
- Handling user input and asynchronous calls
- Combining Streams
- Buffering
- Error Handling
Session 19: UNIT TESTING
- What is Unit Testing
- Test Driven Development
- Unit Testing with Jasmine
Web Development 2 with HTML, CSS and Javascript online certification course with the help of expert professionals training is recognized across the globe. Because of the increased adoption of the web development core languages in various companies the participants are able to find the job opportunity easily. The leading companies hire Web Developer considering their skill of understanding and building interactive web pages. Web Development 2 with HTML, CSS and Javascript online certification course is known for their mastering in constructing a web site. After pursuing Web Development 2 with HTML, CSS and Javascript online certification course the participants can become as a web developer executive, front-end web developer, back-end web developer, full-stack web developer, web consultant, website developer and can pursue a wide range of career paths.