SAS Enterprise Guide 1: Querying and Reporting

SAS Enterprise Guide 2: Advanced Tasks and Querying |
This course is intended for experienced SAS Enterprise Guide users who want to learn more about advanced SAS Enterprise Guide techniques. It focuses on using the Query Builder within SAS Enterprise Guide, including manipulating character, numeric, and date values; converting variable type; and building conditional expressions using the Expression Builder. This course also addresses efficiency issues, such as joining tables and using a single query to group, summarize, and filter data.
Learn how to- Use tasks to transpose, stack, rank, and create a random sample of your data.
- Use functions to convert the data type from character to numeric and from numeric to character.
- Use conditional logic in the Query Builder to create new columns.
- Use multiple value prompts.
Creating Reports and Graphs with SAS Enterprise Guide
This course is intended for experienced SAS Enterprise Guide users who want to create customized reports and graphs. You learn how to use point-and-click tasks and wizards in SAS Enterprise Guide to generate detail and summary reports. You also learn how to enhance reports by using task options and modifying the generated SAS code. In addition, the course illustrates how to create and customize bar charts, map charts, histograms, box plots, scatter plots, line plots, and bar-line charts using SAS Enterprise Guide tasks and wizards.
- build complex tabular reports with the Summary Tables task and List Report Wizard
- create and apply custom formats to improve the displayed data values
- generate customized bar charts
- analyze the distribution of numeric variables with histograms and box plots
- produce map charts to display data geographically
- examine trends with scatter plots and line plots.
SAS Enterprise Guide: ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression
This course is designed for SAS Enterprise Guide users who want to perform statistical analyses. The course is written for SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1 along with SAS 9.4, but students with previous SAS Enterprise Guide versions will also get value from this course. An e-course is also available for SAS Enterprise Guide 5.1 and SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3.
Learn how to- generate descriptive statistics and explore data with graphs
- perform analysis of variance
- perform linear regression and assess the assumptions
- use diagnostic statistics to identify potential outliers in multiple regression
- use chi-square statistics to detect associations among categorical variables
- fit a multiple logistic regression model.
Target Audience
Non-programmers with SAS Enterprise Guide experience, as well as experienced programmers with SAS Enterprise Guide experience
Experienced SAS Enterprise Guide users who want to create complex reports and graphs using point-and-click methods and simple code modifications
Statisticians and business analysts who want to use a point-and-click interface to SAS
SAS Enterprise Guide 1: Querying and Reporting
Working with Data in a Project
- Working with projects.
- Accessing data.
- Append Tables task.
- Split Columns task.
- Stack Columns task.
- Random Sample task.
- Sort Data task.
- Introduction to SAS functions.
- Manipulating numeric values.
- Manipulating character values.
- Converting data type.
- Multiple values prompts.
- Range prompts.
- Conditional processing of project steps.
- Recoding values.
- Recoding values based on a condition.
- Writing CASE expressions.
- Creating and applying custom formats.
- Grouping and summarizing data.
- Including detail and summarized data.
- Filtering summarized data in groups.
Creating Reports and Graphs with SAS Enterprise Guide
Course Overview
- overview of topics and data
- preparing data
- output options
- Bar Chart Wizard
- Bar Chart task
- creating and applying custom formats
- customizing bar chart code
- Summary Tables Wizard (review)
- Summary Tables task
- enhancing results with summary tables properties
- including percentages
- customizing results with code
- overview of the List Report Wizard
- creating detail and summary reports
- creating crosstab reports
- enhancing results with code
- visualizing distributions
- picturing distributions with tasks
- overview of mapping
- using the Map task to create a simple map chart
- customizing map charts
- scatter plots and line plots
- single line plots
- overlaid line plots
- bar-line charts
SAS Enterprise Guide: ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression
Prerequisite Basic Concepts
- discussing descriptive statistics
- discussing inferential statistics
- listing steps for conducting a hypothesis test
- discussing basics of using your SAS software
- introducing to the SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1 environment
- discussing fundamental statistical concepts
- examining distributions
- describing categorical data
- constructing confidence intervals
- performing simple tests of hypothesis
- performing one-way ANOVA
- performing multiple comparisons
- performing two-way ANOVA with and without interactions
- using exploratory data analysis
- producing correlations
- fitting a simple linear regression model
- understanding the concepts of multiple regression
- building and interpreting models
- describing all regression techniques
- exploring stepwise selection techniques
- examining residuals
- investigating influential observations and collinearity
- describing categorical data
- examining tests for general and linear association
- understanding the concepts of logistic regression and multiple logistic regression
- performing backward elimination with logistic regression