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On-Demand: Using SAS to Create Microsoft Excel Reports
30 Hours
Online Instructor-led Training
USD 1399 (About this Course
This on-demand webinar shows you how to output reports from SAS to Excel by making use of techniques such as the Excel Libname, Proc Export and the ODS TAGSETS.EXCELXP destination. You will also learn how to control many structural aspects of Excel workbooks, as well as being able to manipulate the content and presentation of data within Excel.
Target Audience
Target Audience
This on-demand webinar is appropriate for SAS programmers who wish to create professional looking Microsoft Excel reports from SAS.
----------------------------------------------------------On-Demand: Using SAS to Create Microsoft Excel Reports
Course Details & Curriculum
Module 1. Principles and Technology
- Introduction
- Technology Options
- Advantages and Disadvantages
Module 2. Syntax and Examples of the Main Techniques
- Using the ODS TAGSETS.EXCELXP Destination
- Using the Excel Libname
- Using Proc Export
Module 3. Controlling the Structure of Excel Workbooks using ODS TAGSETS.EXCELXP
- Outputting Two Dimensional Reports
- Creating Three Dimensional and Multi-Page Reports
- Controlling the Width of Columns
- Freezing Header Rows
- Specifying Autofilters
- Printing Options
Module 4. Manipulating the Content and Presentation of Data
- Embedding Excel Formulae and Formats
- Using Styles to Control Presentation
- Referencing Other Spreadsheets