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SAS Inventory Optimization 5.1: Using the Solution
30 Hours
Online Instructor-led Training
USD 1399 (About this Course
At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to explain how using the feature and function of SAS Inventory Optimization 5.1 will enhance their ability to calculate optimal inventory replenishment policies based on user-specified constraints thus enabling them to maintain customer service levels while minimizing average total costs.
Learn how to- leverage the inventory analysis workspace to identify outliers based on key inputs such as lead time and service level
- use the scenario development workspace to understand the impact that changes to input variables could have on overall network cost
- use the order suggestion workspace to evaluate, lock, and promote orders.
Target Audience
end users of the SAS Inventory Optimization solution, typically inventory analysts and buyers
SAS Inventory Optimization 5.1: Using the Solution
Course Details & Curriculum
Preparing to use the Solution
- key features and benefits
- inventory optimization fundamentals
- personas and roles
- navigation
- using the inventory details view
- managing alerts
- scenario creation and analysis
- scenario management and promotion
- viewing replenishment details
- managing plan locks
- managing order suggestions
- promoting orders