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30 Hours
Online Instructor-led Training
USD 1399 (USD 2800)
Save 50% Offer ends on 31-Mar-2025
Bootstrap course and certification
214 Learners

About this Course

Bootstrap Course Overview

This course explores the Bootstrap responsive framework, the most widely used HTML, CSS and JavaScript framework for the development of web applications that look good on all devices.

In a practical, hands-on environment, delegates will learn how to integrate Bootstrap and use it to develop a responsive page layout. They will learn how to exploit Bootstrap classes to style commonly used elements and to construct interactive components including buttons, menus, dialogues, carousels and more.

Who will the Course Benefit?

The Bootstrap course is aimed at those who want to develop professional-looking, responsive web applications.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course delegates should be able to:

  • Deploy the Bootstrap framework either locally or via CDN
  • Construct a simple responsive web page using the Bootstrap grid system
  • Style common page elements using Bootstrap classes
  • Customise Bootstrap classes
  • Create navbars and other navigation elements
  • Create interactive content such as carousels and dialogues

Course Description

BootStrap Online course get started with fundamentals of bootstrap concepts. BootStrap Online course intention is to provide a foundation to implement bootstrap model.

BootStrap Online course will allow the participants to learn the core concepts and vital parts of bootstrap.

BootStrap Online course is ideally developed for web developers who wants to expertise in less coding using bootstrap. 

In the BootStrap Online training course, Uplatz provides an in-depth online training for the participants or learners to gain knowledge and able to build website using bootstrap. Uplatz provides appropriate teaching and expertise training to equip the participants for implementing the learnt concepts in an enterprise.

BootStrap Online training course curriculum covers bootstrap introduction, bootstrap utilities, bootstrap components, HTML, CSS and script to create websites.

With the help of BootStrap Online course, the learners can discover:

  • Inhouse Terminology and concepts related to the BootStrap

  • Recreate an image or painting using bootstrap

  • Bootstrap grid 

  • Understand bootstrap utilities and guidelines

Uplatz provides an in-depth training to the learners to accelerate their knowledge and skill set required for a Web Developer.

This is a Bootstrap course by Uplatz. 


Course Details & Curriculum

Bootstrap Training Course

Course Introduction

  • Administration and Course Materials
  • Course Structure and Agenda
  • Delegate and Trainer Introductions


  • Introduction to Responsive Design
  • The viewport Meta Tag
  • Responsive Design Guidelines
  • Media Queries


  • The Bootstrap Framework
  • Integrating Bootstrap
  • Containers
  • The Bootstrap Grid System


  • Typography
  • Images
  • Lists
  • Tables
  • Forms
  • Buttons
  • Glyphicons
  • Badges & Labels
  • Wells & Jumbotrons
  • Media Objects
  • Themes
  • Customising Bootstrap Classes


  • Navbars
  • Dropdowns
  • Tabs
  • Pagination & Breadcrumbs
  • Collapsibles


  • Carousel
  • Modal
  • Tooltip & Popover
  • Scrollspy & Affix
  • Accessibility
Career Path

BootStrap Online certification course with the help of expert professionals training is recognized across the globe. Because of the increased adoption of the BootStrap model in various companies the participants are able to find the job opportunity easily. The leading companies hire web developer considering their skill of mastering bootstrap and recreating images. BootStrap Online certification course is known for their knowledge in bootstrap components. After pursuing BootStrap Online certification course the participants can become as a website developer, web developer, boostrap developer, web designer and can pursue a wide range of career paths.


Job Prospects

Bootstrap Interview Questions & Answers


1) Explain what is Bootstrap? 

Bootstrap is a HTML, CSS, and JS framework for building the rich web applications with minimal effort. This framework emphasis more on building mobile web applications.

2) Explain why to choose Bootstrap for building the websites? 

There are few reason why we choose Bootstrap for building websites

  • Mobile Support: For mobile devices it provides full support in one single file rather than in separate file. It supports the responsive design including adjusting the CSS based on the different types of device, size of the screen etc. It reduces extra effort for developers.
  • Easy to learn: Writing application in bootstrap is easy if you know CSS and HTML
  • Browser Support: It supports all the popular browsers like Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE etc. 

3) Who Developed The Bootstrap?

Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter

4) Which Components Are There In Bootstrap? 

Main components of Bootstrap are -
a) Reusable Components : It contains plenty of reusable layout components
b) CSS : It contains lots of CSS files
c) jQuery & JavaScript Plugins: It comprises many jQuery and JavaScript plugins
d) Scaffolding : It comes with a basic structure with link styles, grid system and background
e) Customization: You have a freedom to customize components as per your wish

5) Could You Explain Me About Responsive Layout? 

Responsive layout's design automatic adjusts to the browser size but when resizing, the number of columns changes according to the space available.

6) Would You Differentiate Between Fluid Layout & Responsive Layout? 

Yes, sure. The main difference is that Fluid Layout are built using widths percentages and they are based on proportionally laying out the website so elements take up the same percent of space on different screen sizes. Responsive Layout is built on a fluid grid and here CSS Media Queries are used to present different layouts based on different screen sizes.

7) What Do You Understand By A List Group In Bootstrap And Its Use? 

List group is a powerful and flexible component to display simple and complex elements together with custom contents. A simple list group is created using class .list-group to address the list with usage of

    element, and class .list-group-item to address individual item with usage of
  • elements.


8) Would You Tell Me Something About Glyphicons And How Are They Written In Our Code? 

Glyphicons are symbols and icon fonts which are created for providing simplicity and easy orientation in your web projects. Glyphicons Halflings are normally not available for free use and they require licensing but their creator has made them cost free for Bootstrap projects. Bootstrap includes more than 250 glyphs from the Glyphicon Halflings set. To use the icons, we need to write code anywhere in our program.

9) How Would You Define Bootstrap Pagination? 

Whenever a web site has lots of pages, we need to do pagination to each page. In Bootstrap, we can create a basic pagination by adding the .pagination class to an



10) Describe Bootstrap Panel? 

Whenever there is a need of putting the contents in a bordered box with some padding around, panel components are used. They can be created with the .panel class and content inside the panel has a .panel-body class. For creating a basic panel, add class .panel to the

element and add class .panel-default to this element.


11) What are offset columns in Bootstrap? 

For more specialized layouts offsets are a useful feature. For more spacing they can be used by pushing column over.

For example, .col-xs=* classes do not support offset but they are easily replicated using an empty cell

12) What is column ordering in Bootstrap? 

Column ordering is one of the feature available in bootstrap and you can easily write columns in an order and show them in another one. With .col-md-push-* and .col-md-pull-* the order of the column can be easily changed.

13) What function you can use to wrap a page content? 

To wrap a page content you can use .container and using that you can also center the content.

14) Explain what pagination in bootstrap is and how they are classified? 

Pagination is the handling of an unordered list by bootstrap. To handle pagination bootstrap provides following classes

  • .pagination: To get pagination on your page you have to add this class
  • .disabled, .active: Customize links by .disabled for unclickable links and .active to indicate the current page
  • .pagination-Ig, .pagination-sm: Use these classes to get different size item

15) Please explain Normalize in Bootstrap. 

For establishing cross-browser consistency, Bootstrap makes use of Normalize. It is a small CSS file capable of offering better cross-browser consistency in the default styling of HTML elements. Also, Normalize.css is an HTML5-ready and modern alternative to CSS resets.

16) Can you enumerate the various lists supported by Bootstrap? 

 Following are the three types of lists supported by Bootstrap:

  • Definition Lists – This type of list allows each list item to have both theand theelements. Thedenotes definition term, which is the term or phrase being defined. Theelement contains the definition for theelement.
  • Ordered Lists – This type of list follows some kind of sequential order. Also, it is prefaced by numbers.
  • Unordered Lists – Traditionally styled with bullets, an unordered list doesn’t follow any particular order. Using the .list-unstyled class allows removing the bullets styling from the unordered list. For placing all list items on a single line, the .list-inline class can be used. 

 What do you mean by Glyphicons? 

 Glyphicons are icon fonts that are used in web projects. Although Glyphicons Halflings aren’t free and require licensing in general, they are available free of cost for Bootstrap projects

18) How will you create a tabbed, pills, and vertical pills navigation menu in Bootstrap? 

1.      For creating a tabbed navigation menu

1.      Start with a basic unordered list with the .nav base class

2.      Now, add the .nav-tabs class

2.      For creating a pills navigation menu

1.      Start with a basic unordered list with the .nav base class

2.      Now, add the .nav-pills class

3.      For creating a vertical pills navigation menu

1.      Stack the pills vertically using the .nav-stacked class

2.      Now, add the .nav and .nav-pills classes

19) Can you explain Bootstrap breadcrumb? 

A Bootstrap breadcrumb is a great way to display hierarchy-based information for a website. Simply, it is an unordered list with a .breadcrumb class. CSS automatically adds the separator for a Bootstrap breadcrumb.

In blogs, the breadcrumb can display categories, publishing dates, or tags. It indicates the present page’s location within a navigational hierarchy.

20) What Is Lead Body Copy? 

To add some emphasis to a paragraph, add class = "lead". This will give you larger font size, lighter weight, and a taller line height.

21) What Is A Transition Plugin? 

The transition plugin provides simple transition effects such as Sliding or fading in modals.

22) What Is A Modal Plugin? 

A modal is a child window that is layered over its parent window. Typically, the purpose is to display content from a separate source that can have some interaction without leaving the parent window. Child windows can provide information, interaction, or more.

23) What Is Bootstrap Carousel?

The Bootstrap carousel is a flexible, responsive way to add a slider to your site. In addition to being responsive, the content is flexible enough to allow images, iframes, videos, or just about any type of content that you might want.

24) What Is Button Group? 

Button groups allow multiple buttons to be stacked together on a single line. This is useful when you want to place items like alignment buttons together.

25) Which Class Is Used To Draw A Toolbar Of Buttons? 

.btn-toolbar helps to combine sets of

into a
for more complex components.


26) Which Classes Can Be Applied To Button Group Instead Of Resizing Each Button? 

.btn-group-lg, .btn-group-sm, .btn-group-xs classes can be applied to button group instead of resizing each button.

27) What Is Twitter Bootstrap? 

Bootstrap is a sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. It uses HTML, CSS and Javascript.

28) What Does Bootstrap Package Includes? 

Bootstrap package includes:

  • Scaffolding − Bootstrap provides a basic structure with Grid System, link styles, background. This is is covered in detail in the sectionBootstrap Basic Structure
  • CSS − Bootstrap comes with feature of global CSS settings, fundamental HTML elements styled and enhanced with extensible classes, and an advanced grid system. This is covered in detail in the section Bootstrap with CSS.
  • Components − Bootstrap contains over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, navigation, alerts, popovers, and much more. This is covered in detail in the section Layout Components.
  • JavaScript Plugins − Bootstrap contains over a dozen custom jQuery plugins. You can easily include them all, or one by one. This is covered in details in the section Bootstrap Plugins.
  • Customize − You can customize Bootstrap's components, LESS variables, and jQuery plugins to get your very own version. 

29) What Is Bootstrap Grid System?

Bootstrap includes a responsive, mobile first fluid grid system that appropriately scales up to 12 columns as the device or viewport size increases. It includes predefined classes for easy layout options, as well as powerful mixins for generating more semantic layouts.

30) What Are Bootstrap Media Queries? 

Media Queries in Bootstrap allow you to move, show and hide content based on viewport size.

31) What Are Offset Columns? 

Offsets are a useful feature for more specialized layouts. They can be used to push columns over for more spacing, for example. The .col-xs = * classes don't support offsets, but they are easily replicated by using an empty cell.

32) How Can You Order Columns In Bootstrap? 

You can easily change the order of built-in grid columns with .col-md-push-* and .col-md-pull-* modifier classes where * range from 1 to 11.

33) How Do You Make Images Responsive? 

Bootstrap 3 allows to make the images responsive by adding a class .img-responsive to the tag. This class applies max-width: 100%; and height: auto; to the image so that it scales nicely to the parent element.

34) Explain The Typography And Links In Bootstrap? 

Bootstrap sets a basic global display (background), typography, and link styles:
Basic Global display − Sets background-color: #fff; on theelement.
Typography − Uses the @font-family-base, @font-size-base, and @line-height-base attributes as the typographic base
Link styles − Sets the global link color via attribute @link-color and apply link underlines only on :hover.

35) How Will You Create A Bootstrap Panel With Footer? 

You can add footers to panels, by wrapping buttons or secondary text in a

containing class .panel-footer.


36) What Contextual Classes Are Available To Style The Panels? 

Use contextual state classes such as, panel-primary, panel-success, panel-info, panel-warning, panel-danger, to make a panel more meaningful to a particular context.

37) Can You Put A Table Within Bootstrap Panel? 

Yes! To get a non-bordered table within a panel, use the class .table within the panel. Suppose there is a

containing .panel-body, we add an extra border to the top of the table for separation. If there is no
containing .panel-body, then the component moves from panel header to table without interruption.


38) Can You Put A Listgroup Within Bootstrap Panel? 

Yes You can include list groups within any panel. Create a panel by adding class .panel to the element. Also add class .panel-default to this element. Now within this panel include your list groups.

39) What Is Bootstrap Well? 

A well is a container in that causes the content to appear sunken or an inset effect on the page. To create a well, simply wrap the content that you would like to appear in the well with a containing the class of .well.

40) What Is Scrollspy Plugin? 

The Scrollspy (auto updating nav) plugin allows you to target sections of the page based on the scroll position. In its basic implementation, as you scroll, you can add .active classes to the navbar based on the scroll position.

41) What Is Affix Plugin? 

The affix plugin allows a to become affixed to a location on the page. You can also toggle it's pinning on and off using this plugin. A common example of this are social icons. They will start in a location, but as the page hits a certain mark, the will be locked in place and will stop scrolling with the rest of the page.

42) How To Create A Navbar In Bootstrap?

To create a default navbar:

o Add the classes .navbar, .navbar-default to the tag.
o Add role = "navigation" to the above element, to help with accessibility.
o Add a header class .navbar-header to the element. Include an element with class navbar-brand. This will give the text a slightly larger size.
o To add links to the navbar, simply add an unordered list with the classes of .nav, .navbar-nav.


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