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Docker Fundamentals

30 Hours
Online Instructor-led Training
USD 1399 (USD 2800)
Save 50% Offer ends on 31-Mar-2025
Docker Fundamentals course and certification
214 Learners

About this Course

The Docker Fundamentals training course features the foundational concepts and practices of containerization on a single Docker node. The course offers learners the opportunity to assimilate basic container orchestration and how to scale Docker across multiple nodes in a simple swarm or Kubernetes cluster.

This course provides essential foundational knowledge for subsequent Docker courses.


Course Objective

  • Understand the foundations of containerization on a
  • single Docker node
  • Create an image using Dockerfile best practices
  • Use volumes in the application development process
  • Apply concepts of the Docker networking model
  • Understand the goal of services as a method of scaling
  • containers
  • Utilize two different orchestrators (Swarm and
  • Kubernetes) to deploy a single application across
  • multiple machines
  • Create a secret and understand its accessibility
  • capabilities


Course Description

Docker Fundamentals online course get started with docker container. Docker Fundamentals online course intention is to provide a foundation to understand Docker container platform.

Docker Fundamentals online course will allow the participants to understand the benefits of learning the Docker container platform.

Docker Fundamentals online course is ideally developed for any Devops engineers who wants to specialize in Docker basic concepts. 

In the Docker Fundamentals online training course, Uplatz provides an in-depth online training for the participants or learners to gain knowledge and able to manage Docker container environment. Uplatz provides appropriate teaching and expertise training to equip the participants for implementing the learnt concepts in an enterprise.

Docker Fundamentals online training course curriculum covers introduction, docker architecture, Data in docker containers, Docker images.

With the help of Docker Fundamentals online course, the learners can discover:

  • Inhouse Terminology and concepts related to the Docker container

  • To know Docker container utilities

  • Know to manage docker containers

  • Able to execute web application in docker

Uplatz provides an in-depth training to the learners to accelerate their knowledge and skill set required for a Docker Engineer

Target Audience

Developers, operators, and architects desiring a strong foundation in Docker technologies and an introductory hands-on experience building, shipping, and running Docker containers.


Docker Fundamentals

Course Details & Curriculum

Full Day Session 1

  •  The Docker Story
  •  Introduction to Images
  •  Creating Images
  •  System Commands

Full Day Session 2

  • Docker Networking Basics
  • Docker Compose
  • Scaling out with Swarm & Kubernetes
  • Managing Secrets
Career Path

Docker Fundamentals online certification course with the help of expert professionals training is recognized across the globe. Because of the increased adoption of the Docker concepts in various companies the participants are able to find the job opportunity easily. The leading companies hire Docker Engineer considering their skill of mastering docker container concepts. Docker Fundamentals online certification course is known for their knowledge in managing Docker enterprise system. After pursuing Docker Fundamentals online certification course the participants can become as a Devops engineer, software developer, Docker analyst, Docker administrator and can pursue a wide range of career paths.


Job Prospects


Docker Interview Questions & Answers


1) What is Docker? 

Docker is an open-source lightweight containerization technology. It has gained widespread popularity in the cloud and application packaging world. It allows you to automate the deployment of applications in lightweight and portable containers.

2) What are the advantages of using Docker container?

Here, are a major advantage of using Docker.

a) Offers an efficient and easy initial set up
b) Allows you to describe your application lifecycle in detail
c) Simple configuration and interacts with Docker Compose
d) Documentation provides every bit of information.

3) What is Docker Engine? 

Docker daemon or Docker engine represents the server. The docker daemon and the clients should be run on the same or remote host, which can communicate through command-line client binary and full RESTful API.

4) What are Docker Images? 

Docker image is the source of Docker container. In other words, Docker images are used to create containers. When a user runs a Docker image, an instance of a container is created. These docker images can be deployed to any Docker environment.

5) What are the important features of Docker? 

Here are the essential features of Docker:

  • Easy Modeling
  • Version control
  • Placement/Affinity
  • Application Agility
  • Developer Productivity
  • Operational Efficiencies 

6) What are the main drawbacks of Docker?

Some notable drawbacks of Docker are:

  • Doesn't provide a storage option
  • Offer a poor monitoring option.
  • No automatic rescheduling of inactive Nodes
  • Complicated automatic horizontal scaling set up

7) What is the benefit of using a Docker over a Hypervisor?

Though Docker and Hypervisor might do the same job overall, there are many differences between them in terms of how they work. Docker can be thought of as lightweight since it uses very fewer resources and also the host kernel rather than creating it like a Hypervisor.

8) Explain Registries

There are two types of registry: 

  • Public Registry
  • Private Registry

9) What is a Docker Hub?

We can think of Docker Hub as a cloud registry that lets us link the code repositories, create the images, and test them. We can also store our pushed images, or we can link to the Docker Cloud, so that the images can be deployed to the host. We have a centralized container image discovery resource that can be used for the collaboration of our teams, automating the workflow and distribution, and changing management by creating the development pipeline.

10) What is a Docker Swarm?

We can think of a Docker Swarm as the way of orchestrating the Docker containers. We will be able to implement Dockers in a cluster. We can convert our Docker pools into a single Docker Swarm for easy management and monitoring.

11) What is the use of a Dockerfile?

A Dockerfile is a set of specific instructions that we need to pass on to Docker so that the images can be built. We can think of the Dockerfile as a text document which has all the commands that are needed for creating a Docker image. We can create an automated build that lets us execute multiple command lines one after the other.

12) Is it possible to use JSON instead of YAML for Docker Compose? 

We can use JSON instead of YAML for a Docker Compose file. When we are using the JSON file for composing, we have to specify the filename with the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.json up

13) What is the process for creating a Docker container?

We can use any specific Docker image for creating a Docker container using the below command:

docker run -t -i command name

This command not only creates the container but also starts it for us. If we want to check whether the Docker container has been created or not, then we need to have the following command that will list all the Docker containers, along with the host on which the Docker containers run:

docker ps -a

14) What is the process for stopping and restarting a Docker container? 

To stop a Docker container, we need to use the following command:

docker stop CONTAINER_ID

To restart a Docker container, we need to use the following command:

docker restart CONTAINER_ID

15) How do you scale your Docker containers? 

Docker containers can be scaled to any level, starting from a few hundreds to even thousands or millions of containers. The only condition is that the containers need the memory and the OS all the time, and there should not be a constraint on these when the Docker is getting scaled.

16) What command should you run to see all running container in Docker? 

$ docker ps

17) Write the command to stop the docker container

$ sudo docker stop container name

18) What is the command to run the image as a container?

 $ sudo docker run -i -t alpine /bin/bash

19) What are the common instruction in Dockerfile?

 The common instruction in Dockerfile are: FROM, LABEL, RUN, and CMD.

20) What is memory-swap flag?

Memory-swap is a modified flag that only has meaning if- memory is also set. Swap allows the container to write express memory requirements to disk when the container has exhausted all the RAM which is available to it.

21) How can you monitor the docker in production environments?

Docker states and Docker Events are used to monitoring docker in the production environment.

22) What the states of Docker container? 

Important states of Docker container are:

  • Running
  • Paused
  • Restarting
  • Exited

23) What is Virtualization?

Virtualization is a method of logically dividing mainframes to allow multiple applications to run simultaneously.

24) What is Hypervisor?

The hypervisor allows you to create a virtual environment in which the guest virtual machines operate. It controls the guest systems and checks if the resources are allocated to the guests as necessary.

25) Explain Docker object labels

Docker object labels is a method for applying metadata to docker objects including, images, containers, volumes, network, swam nodes, and services.

26) Write a Docker file to create and copy a directory and built it using python modules?

FROM pyhton:2.7-slim 


COPY . /app 

docker build –tag

27) Where the docker volumes are stored?

You need to navigate:


28) What is a Docker Namespace?

A namespace is one of the Linux features and an important concept of containers. Namespace adds a layer of isolation in containers. Docker provides various namespaces in order to stay portable and not affect the underlying host system. Few namespace types supported by Docker – PID, Mount, IPC, User, Network

29) What is the lifecycle of a Docker Container? 

This is one of the most popular questions asked in Docker interviews. Docker containers have the following lifecycle:

  • Create a container
  • Run the container
  • Pause the container(optional)
  • Un-pause the container(optional)
  • Start the container
  • Stop the container
  • Restart the container
  • Kill the container
  • Destroy the container

30) If you wish to use a base image and make modifications or personalize it, how do you do that?

You pull an image from docker hub onto your local system

It’s one simple command to pull an image from docker hub:

$ docker pull

31) How does communication happen between Docker client and Docker Daemon?

You can communicate between Docker client and Docker Daemon with the combination of Rest API, socket.IO, and TCP.

32) Explain Implementation method of Continuous Integration(CI) and Continues Development (CD) in Docker?

 You need to do the following things:

  • Runs Jenkins on docker
  • You can run integration tests in Jenkins using docker-compose

33) What are the command to control Docker with Systemd?

systemctl start/stop docker

service docker start/stop

34) How to include code with copy/add or volumes? 

In docker file, we need to use COPY or ADD directive. This is useful to relocate code. However, we should use a volume if we want to make changes.

35) How can you run multiple containers using a single service? 

By using docker-compose, you can run multiple containers using a single service. All docker-compose files uses yaml language.

36) What is CNM?

CNM stands for Container Networking Model. It is a standard or specification from Docker, Inc. that forms the basis of container networking in a Docker environment. This docker's approach provides container networking with support for multiple network drivers.

37) Does Docker offer support for IPV6?

Yes, Docker provides support IPv6. IPv6 networking is supported only on Docker daemons runs on Linux hosts. However, if you want to enable IPv6 support in the Docker daemon, you need to modify /etc/docker/daemon.json and set the ipv6 key to true.

38) Can you lose data when the container exits?

No, any data that your application writes to disk get stored in container. The file system for the contain persists even after the container halts.

39) What are a different kind of volume mount types available in Docker?

Bind mounts- It can be stored anywhere on the host system

40) How to configure the default logging driver under Docker? 

To configure the Docker daemon to default to a specific logging driver. You need to set the value of log-driver to the name of the logging drive the daemon.jason.fie.


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