Docker for Enterprise Operations
Course Objective
By the end of the course learners will be able to:
- Identify the key features of UCP and DTR.
- Build a complete, basic software supply chain using
- UCP and DTR that includes CI/CD, content trust, and image scanning.
- describe the methodological differences between managing containers and managing virtual machines.
- Deploy applications on Swarm or Kubernetes orchestrators via UCP.
Course Description
Docker for Enterprise Operations online course refers to role-based course designes for enterprise operations. Docker for Enterprise Operations online course intention is to provide a foundation to understand Docker container platform for enterprise operations.
Docker for Enterprise Operations online course will allow the participants to understand the benefits of learning the Docker container platform.
Docker for Enterprise Operations online course is ideally developed for any IT professionals, Devops engineers who wants to specialize in Docker basic concepts.
In the Docker for Enterprise Operations online training course, Uplatz provides an in-depth online training for the participants or learners to gain knowledge and able to manage and deploy Docker container in any environment. Uplatz provides appropriate teaching and expertise training to equip the participants for implementing the learnt concepts in an enterprise.
Docker for Enterprise Operations online training course curriculum covers introduction, docker architecture, Data in docker containers, Docker images.
With the help of Docker for Enterprise Operations online course, the learners can discover:
Inhouse Terminology and concepts related to the Docker Container
To know Docker container utilities
Know to manage docker containers
Able to execute web application in docker
Uplatz provides an in-depth training to the learners to accelerate their knowledge and skill set required for a Docker Enterprise Operator
IT professionals with an operations or system administration background who have already attended Docker Fundamentals or have equivalent experience, desiring to understand designing, deploying, and managing Docker containers at scale in an enterprise environment.
Docker for Enterprise Operations
Day 1
- Welcome
- Introduction to Docker Datacenter
- UCP Architecture
- UCP Networking
- UCP Role-based Access Control
- Secrets Management
- Logging
- Monitoring and Recovery
- UCP Health Check
Day 2
- DTR Overview
- DTR Organizations and Teams
- Content Trust
- Image Scanning
- Repository Automation
- Image Caching
- DTR Troubleshooting
- Designing a DDC Deployment
Docker for Enterprise Operations online certification course with the help of expert professionals training is recognized across the globe. Because of the increased adoption of the Docker concepts in various companies the participants are able to find the job opportunity easily. The leading companies hire Docker Enterprise Operator considering their skill of mastering docker container concepts. Docker for Enterprise Operations online certification course is known for their knowledge in managing Docker enterprise system. After pursuing Docker for Enterprise Operations online certification course the participants can become as a Devops engineer, software developer, Docker analyst, Docker administrator and can pursue a wide range of career paths.